The image you are using looks like a cruise ship. The ship image I would like to see used would be more of a freighter. If you google images for "freighter" you will see what I am looking for. Also, if you look at the logo on you get an idea. Thanks!
I like Entry #13 the best so far. Could you do a couple different designs with different types of ships. I like the way you have RIVER PILOT across the middle with service on bottom and the red/blue circle on the outside. Bill's could be a little easier to see. Thanks!
I like Entry #35 the best, could you try a couple variations with a ship's wheel around the outside of the circle. Everything you have now would look like it's in the inside of a ship's wheel. It doesn't have to be very defined wheel, just the basic outline of one. Thanks!
HI, I selected you as the winner of the contest. There is a couple final revisions I will need to the winning entry (Entry #56) before you produce the design files.
#1 On the sides of where it says "River Pilot" can you put the blue boarder there as well, so this way "RIVER PILOT" is boxed in on all 4 sides and not open on the ends.
#2 Behind "SERVICE" I will need the letters: L.L.C. added. So it will read "SERVICE L.L.C"