combining both urban and punk in a contemporary design with inclusion of graphic wings eluding to the beauty side of the business. scissors are used in a crossbones style to separate the words on the tagline. i wanted to create a brand that was versatile across a number of platforms from web to print and also promotional items.
combining both urban and punk in a contemporary design with inclusion of graphic crown eluding to the beauty side of the business. scissors are used in a crossbones style to separate the words on the tagline. i wanted to create a brand that was versatile across a number of platforms from web to print and also promotional items.
combining both urban and punk in a contemporary design with inclusion of graphic star and diamond eluding to the beauty side of the business. scissors are used in a crossbones style to separate the words on the tagline. i wanted to create a brand that was versatile across a number of platforms from web to print and also promotional items.