This logo shows Fashion,Activism,Youth, Great contest I’m so proud to work on this I’m am a designer from the inner city NYC I was head of phat farm for 5 years, work at fubu etc. Im going hard at this one also let me know if I can help your cause.
This logo shows Fashion,Activism,Youth, Great contest I’m so proud to work on this I’m am a designer from the inner city NYC I was head of phat farm for 5 years, work at fubu etc. Im going hard at this one also let me know if I can help your cause.
PfDesigner, I love your logo and your support. I will definitely keep you in the loop. I could definitely use the support of someone experienced. Before this tournament is over, I will give you my contact info.
Mr. PFD, I've been marinating on your logo and I have the following suggestions: Can we remove the thing the young person is standing on? I worry that it is obscuring the H and R of threads.
I'd also like to play with the colors. I admit a cultural bias on my part fueled my desire to see red, green, yellow and black. I would like to an option with only two colors, black and something else (I've been thinking maybe black and white, but I'll leave that to your creative discretion).
Otherwise, I love it.
I really appreciate the time you've put into this.
new look this could be a cool ideal to print a B,E,A,R, one letter each on a dif color tee and when the kids stand together it would spell bear and put threads under the letters let me know if you know what i mean hope the kids like this new one im having fun...
I love these new logos! They are awesome. One of the things I have been striving for is a logo the kids would feel cool enough to wear on a shirt even when they are not with us.
I like both alot, but #102 is really resonating to me as very artsy and edgy. My older boys would love it. Can you fill in the fist a little more, not completely, but just a little more. I like the unfinished look, but not so much.
Thanks for these new entries. They are definitely more of what I was looking for. Keep having fun, it is working!
ok will do oh yea my email is I make tees and any other clothing you my need so after the contest feel frrel to email me if you needs tees or anything made or printed up thanks David Saulters
update 1 to 102 a more full in fist and kids on top more even I glad you like the new art and I agree this look I tried to make it good for all ages boys and girls .....
update 2 to 102 a more full in fist and kids on top more even I glad you like the new art and I agree this look I tried to make it good for all ages boys and girls .....
thanks i wanted to give you a cool mohawk look the number 1 you have now is really not a mohawk it a trace of the minuteman statue with tracing is not allow and it will be taken down its in logo court now...good luck with the contest having lots of fun with this one.