#9 Really like the color scheme here! Multi-colors in the same letter might be too complex on a small scale though. Also could like to see some type of image in addition to straight text (since image may be used as stand alone representation of brand in marketing materials.)
#8 Two words seem to be a bit too close together. A little difficult to read - would need more contrast.
We've moved #47 to position one. Can you please show us some additional color treatments? Some more formal, so others with similar upbeat colors, perhaps including an orange?
You rock! These are great! Really enjoyed seeing the different color treatments used in design #118 and #119. We are toying with the idea of maybe going a bit more classic/sophisticated/elegant (less modern/edge/fun) with colors, i.e more subdued color shades. If you have some time, would love to see this different angle?
Also really like #138. Do you think you could adjust the circular beams so that they do not overlap/touch the bars/structure they are placed on top of. In printing on t-shirts/fabric, this might be tricky.
Thanks! I wasn't sure if you were wanting the same color combination as in the 2 you mentioned - just toned down - or if you were wanting new ones. I've toned them down for now - if you wanting others let me know (also let me know what colors you might be thinking and I can work combinations from there! )
#145 I really love this and am trying to rationalize placing it in the top three. I see a few challenges though, but please tell me your thoughts:
Would this be hard to print across various materials, i.e. vinyl, materials other than paper? Could you do the graphic right side up like the others you've created? I really love the contrast within the circular portion - looks like you've broken up a pie chart, which is awesome, but might we see it is some other color combos?
Hi! Thanks! Yes it should print fine on any medium. They are solid color blocks and not a gradient so their shouldn't be any issues at all. I'll be happy to swap the position and add some color combos using the examples you posted in general comments earlier. I'll get those up for you tomorrow!