Bay Area Tone's font is more edgy, depicting its target market, with a slightly grungy tagline and a microphone substituting for the 'o', and blending into the organge of the bridge.
#11 I'm writing to all the guys whose designs I like so far. For yours, I like that you've incorporated the microphone into the word, but it's not doing it for me. Not big on the font. Although I tend to like simplicity, I like how you represent the bridge. You might want to try something simpler, though. Here's my overall comments. Not everything applies to yours, but you can use the ideas to keep coming up with stuff if you want. I like the logo on a black background. I like the "badge" idea. I like the int'l orange and brown. I like the LED meter bridge. I like the bridge-wire-as-mic-cable, but haven't seen "it" yet. Keep trying.
Hello! Version 3 uses the cables of the bridge, and they transform into the microphone. Font is more bold, and is presented to best accentuate all elements of the logo!