Hi debronk. Entry #120 conceptually looks very interesting. It seems as if the "b" is almost cradling something, in this case a sphere. Since our law firm works with start-ups that do innovative work, perhaps the "b" could be made to cradle a symbol for ideas or innovation instead of a sphere - for example, a spark or a light bulb (although light bulbs are rather common these days.) Anyway, we'll leave it up to you.
The leaf inside the "b" is terrific. So that should remain. Thank you for the really clever design.
Unfortunately we were super-busy over the last few days and weren't able to get enough feedback out. So we got an extension of another day to choose our winner.
We really like your concept in many ways, and have a few suggestions, using #122 as the prototype.
1. Could you extend the left side of the "b" to make it longer?
2. We really like the coloring of the leaf in #116, where the leaf goes from green to orange. Is it possible to use the same sort of coloring for the leaf used in #122?
3. In #138, you use two colors for the "b" and that's a great idea, because it makes it gives the suggestion of the letter "l" in addition to "b". Could you please incorporate this idea into #122?
4. Color choices: green-to-orange for the leaf (as in #116); orange for the inside of "b" (similar to the color you use in #132); and a blue-gray for the outside of "b" (i.e. for the part that looks like "l", where you use red in #138).
I hope this is not too confusing. Please write back with questions if I haven't been clear.
Many thanks for your help throughout this contest. We appreciate it very much.
Oh, one last comment about the name, Basis Law. Could you use lowercase for both "basis" and "law," using the color orange for "basis" and blue-gray for "law"? Would prefer a very clean sans serif font; we really like Muli, for example, which is a free font available on Google Fonts.
Thanks so much for the new submissions. After looking at everything, we think the design with the spark being held up is our favorite. And we just noticed #133, which does have grey shading on the outside.
We've decided this the best design. The only changes at this point would be the colors and the font.
1. A darker shade of grey on the outside instead of the very pale grey we have now.
3. Could we try the green-to-orange leaf as in #140 and #141?
4. The name "basislaw" in lowercase, with no gap between "basis" and "law" and using the greenish-blue for "basis" and dark grey for "law".
5. Finally, here's a link to the free muli font: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/muli. Could you please use it for the letters? We're using it for our business cards etc. and this will ensure consistency.
Thanks again. We're really excited about the design.
We really like #144 and #145. Like the spacing of the letters better in #145. The design's almost there! Just not sure about the colors to be used on the name "basislaw" and whether it should be uppercase, lowercase etc. We'll finalize these things in the next couple of days and let you know! Thanks so much -- very excited about the design.
Thanks, debronk! But no need to send anything else at this point. We'll just try to figure out what color and font works best and get back to you tomorrow or the day after. You've already done too much work! Thanks again.
Sorry we couldn't get to this sooner. Just a couple of small changes:
1. Could you make the font size for "basislaw" a little smaller -- about the size of, say, #139?
2. Would it be possible to do a gradient shading for the letters, from darker at the bottom to lighter at the top, like you have in #143 with the word "law." But please keep the colors the same -- teal for "basis" and grey for "law".
Thanks! #148 is great. Is there any way to make the grey in "law" a little lighter? It's so dark I can't even see the gradation.
One final request: instead of gradation from dark to light, would it be possible to have one from teal at the bottom to orange on top (for "basis") and from gray at the bottom to orange on top (for "law")? It might be a way to unify the two words, while still keeping them somewhat distinct. Not sure how that would look, but it would be great to be able to see.