Hopefully I've ticked off most of the boxes with this one: it's friendly, approachable, dynamic, professional, and says 'We Mean Business!' (might make a good addendum to the tagline or alternative tagline).
Thank you for the ranking, Jeremy: it spurred me on to something I think is even better (#208, #209, #210). Very clean, crisp, dynamic and professional and, of course, easy to implement across all branding necessities. I hope the team likes is as much as I do.
#217 - as you know, I'm not to big on a bunch of gradients and effects, but here's a bit and a rationalle to go with: the idea of 'implementing' or fleshing out your clients' brands...evolving...and with that in mind, I once again put everything on layers that can be turned on or off at will. Imaging starting with just the orange B, then turn on the green so that orange and green shows, then then purple and so on, then the name, then each of the words in the strapline, then the exclamation mark, and lastly the gloss and shadow - looks pretty hot as an animated graphic and tells the story of a brand coming into being!