Regarding entry nr. 44 we really like it. But is it possible to make the colored dots a little more like badges? They look a little high on the middle and badges are flat on the middle. Besides that there seems to be two pink dots in the end maybe it should end on another color maybe a dark grey or another color..
Maybe the "badges" should look like entry #18 Maybe not grey as the end color but it look strange that it end with two pink ones... we also like the colors of the "badges" in #18 Else we really love your entry
revision entry #65 please chek ..i hope you like...! in my country it was near midnight, tomorrow morning I will revise that match the color you want. regards
I think you are the winner... I really like the logo... but I would like to tweek the colors a little as I told you... I hope you can do it before the competetion ends. The badgeeffect is perfect.. we love the font and the color of the font.. we love the number, shape and placing of the "badges" so its only a matter of the color palette of the "badges"... Maybe it could end in a warm red? but then of cause the placing of the colors should change a little.. We really like the colors of the flower in entry #21 ... but maybe its coolest that it starts with the grey as it does now.. As I told you we love it... so if its not too much just a little more tests of the colors then its PERFECT...