Thank you very much for the designs. We like #31! Is it possible to create a version of #31 that utilizes more area vertically and less horizontally. Perhaps the name under the gate. We hope to use the logo on large vertical banners. Also, can you add a slight space between "Baby" and "Point" as they are two words.
We have a Board of Directors that is split - some are very traditional and I'm sure will love your design and font. Others feel we need to be a little more playful and youthful. For their benefit, can you also make a version with a slightly more playful font (i.e. something similar to the font used in entry #20).
Thank you very much for the designs. We like #31! Is it possible to create a version of #31 that utilizes more area vertically and less horizontally. Perhaps the name under the gate. We hope to use the logo on large vertical banners. Also, can you add a slight space between "Baby" and "Point" as they are two words.
We have a Board of Directors that is split - some are very traditional and I'm sure will love your design and font. Others feel we need to be a little more playful and youthful. For their benefit, can you also make a version with a slightly more playful font (i.e. something similar to the font used in entry #20).