Thanks so much for these designs. We like the font clarity of #4. Is it possible to integrate a subtle stone look to the gates, and change the colour of the font. Not sure the orange is going to work. Thank you!
Thanks. You could try the text with a thinner outline and perhaps a burgandy. With a thinner outline, I wonder if even the orange could work.
One other thing which I'm posting on the brief... One of the most important aspects of our logo will be how it shows up on our street banners - which will be a maximum of 1 metre horizontally, but vertically much longer - therefore you may want to slightly reduce the space a little between "Baby" and "Points". By covering less area horizontally, we'll be able to display the logo a little larger on our banners.
I like all the changes you made! There are some others involved in the process - will check with them and let you know if I have any other feedback. Thanks again.