I just read your comment about using gradients, I had been designing with a fabric patch in mind. If you like any of my designs I can take them further and make them more in-depth.
Having read your new list of information, I've worked to create a design which follows as many directions as possible. The wings were the hardest part, taking over an hour to accomplish. I even built the "A" from scratch because I couldn't find one with the right proportions.
I like your latest designs, it's going in a good direction. The wings could be gold too maybe and it might look nice if they are resized so they go over the edge of the circle maybe? .. Just an idea..
one questin - could you take out the latin text in your #21 design so we can see how it looks like? Right now we prefer your design altough it will be hard to make a badge out of it because of it's complex outer contour.