the design direction is a complete logo makeover...I do understand why you would want to keep the old somewhat intact but I think you already know it's old and tired design. keeping the hi low aspect will not make the design current of have a long self life.
I know that the people you invite to review designs will have firm belief that change is not good however..change is good look at corporations who frequently update there brand marks.
Mr. Scott, that is great input and I agree about the original design because I have never really liked it. I bought this business 17 years ago and the logo was already in place so I kept it. I definitely feel that this process is a way to explore and possibly find something completely different that would really stand out in the marketplace. My top priority is to find a brand that burns into your head and is very recognizable. Something that you don't even have to focus on to know what it is. Like when a FedEx truck drives by and you just see it in the corner of your eye but you know it's a FedEx truck without even looking at it. And on top of that, there is a little cord struck inside of you that relates to however you feel about FedEx whether you like them or not. Now that's a tall order because I will never spend the money on advertising, or have the market presence that FedEx does. But I do have local competitors who have logos with "punch", and that "punch" creates some of that same recognition and reaction to their brand.
Are you feeling me baby??
Now while my old Hi-Tech logo is awkward at best, the fact that it is so goofy and unusual does give it a bit of “punch”. After you’ve seen it a couple of times it’s not too hard to recognize, and it’s definitely different than anything else out there.
It’s different, but it looks like shit. What to do, What to do...
I would love it if you scratched your head on a way that I can somehow save “Hi-Tech”, and that may not mean leaving it just like it is but possibly morphing it in some way that maintains some of the same elements. #12 has played with that some and I can see some benefit there. But if there was a way to keep the old “Hi-Tech” in a design that looks professional and has punch; that would be better.
One idea I have had in the past is spelling Austin in a matching form and next to Hi-Tech and then writing Restoration underneath. In this order:
Austin Hi-Tech Restoration
That’s just an idea that might be worth exploring.
Also, I am going to post a .pdf (not a Word Doc) of the old “Hi-Tech”. Hopefully that will make it easier for designers to work with.
With all that being said, I totally want to encourage you to come up with something completely different. The main reason that I harassed you into this tournament is because I saw so many creative designs within your portfolio. (There I go sucking up again). I’m going to go with the logo that can fit in all of my excessive wording, yet still remain simple and or memorable to have “punch”.
So in that breath, #16’s not doing it for me. You know I’ve got to be honest here.
One thing about it is the color. I really hope to try and keep “Royal Blue” as dominant within the logo. If you’re gonna trash my “Hi-Tech”, can you at least let me keep the color?
Concerning “Royal Blue”, I am going to get on the web and find a RGB reference or a Pantone brick to post so everyone is on the same page. The “Royal Blue” in the Word Doc logo that I posted and is used in #4 is real close, but I’ve got a slightly grayer color in mind that I need to find and communicate.
One thing that I just noticed about #16 is that you made "Austin" alot smaller so that Hi-Tech and Restoration would stand out and help simplify things. I think you might be on to something because the truth is Hi-Tech is where the "punch" is and a lot of people simply call us Hi-Tech.
In that same breath, most people call us "Austin Hi-Tech", and that's what I call my business whenever I'm talking to people. The full name "Austin Hi-Tech Restoration" is just too much of a mouthful to regurgitate all the time.
But Austin and Restoration still have to be in there. If any one of the three parts were minimized to simplify and help with punch, I would say that Restoration would be the part to make smaller. But Restoration still needs to be highlighted enough so that it can be seen for vehical signage, business cards, etc. We want people to have some sort of a clue as to what it is that we do. Most people think I fix computers when they hear or see the name.
And don't forget we've got the tag line issue to try and work into all of this.
hahahahahaha have run an LT contest before because you hit the nail on the head with copy cats...LT has a built in system were designers can take other designers to Logo Court (LC) this is internal to LT only....we then peers vote on whether a design is to close or not.
if the offending designer loses the LC he/s she is removed from the contest.
I thought you had a sneak attack coming. I've never done this before but I've read some of the forums and that's how I heard about designers waiting until the last minute.
MR. SCOTT, I have spent the last 3 hours staring at Entry #63 and Entry #64 and writing you the comments below. After putting all of these thoughts together I decided it would be best if I started over at the top and had a brief conversation with you concerning this tournament. I haven’t really been wowed by anything that has been presented and I know why that is. First off, I asked the world to figure out a way to use my crap ass old logo in a professional/corporate way. I’m becoming more convinced that will not be possible. DON’T SAY I TOLD YOU SO BECAUSE I’M REAL VONERABLE RIGHT NOW!!
Second, I want a logo/brand with PUNCH, but I also want a logo/brand that includes all of the 8 syllables and 23 letters which are in my business name. These two factors seem to be at odds with one another. But just to make sure that I would never be able to achieve the logo/brand with PUNCH of my dreams, I insisted that my 5 word tag line also be included as a part of the logo. So it has become clear to me, that a bag of PUNCH holds much less volume than the pile of shit that I am trying to work with (this reference will be explained further below).
With Entry #63 you gave me the closest to a “WOW” that I have seen and you included everything I asked for including the punch. In Entry #63, the shape around Hi-Tech would be a super logo all by itself, that’s where the punch is, and the overall design is sharp and artistic. But the reality is that it probably won’t work in most applications (like business cards) without shrinking it down to a tiny size. I’d really like your opinion on this because you have obviously run into this before.
Entry #64 is great also, but compared to Entry #63 it has lost some of the cool factor and punch. But of course its size is perfect and it’s got all 23 letters, imagine that.
When you read my suggestions below you will find that I was trying to accomplish 2 things regarding Entry #63. One was to try and make it not so wide but still look so good (probably not possible). The other was that I was trying to figure out how to get the entire image incased by the shape so it was all one unit. I knew that by doing so I would be taking a risk at loosing the punch that Entry #63 had already established. This desire was born by having a logo for 20 years that didn’t “fit” together. There were these odd fonts and Austin was just stuck up against Hi-Tech because there wasn’t any other way to do it. So that’s brought me to the point of this entire conversation.
I must get rid of the old Hi-Tech if I want something special.
I know that you can only spend a limited amount of time on my logo. So rather than spending that limited time or revisions, I’m hoping that you would be willing to do is start over from scratch and disregard everything that I ever told you about my old “Hi-Tech” logo. Except for this, assume that I showed it to you and said that I don’t want your design to look anything like it.
We can always go back later and make revisions to Entry #63 or Entry #64 after the contest if I select them. If for some reason they don’t win but I want to go back to them after the fact, I’m assuming that I could always hire you later to work on them at that point. Sound like a deal?
So here is what we are looking for in a new logo:
PUNCH (The emblem/shape in Entry #63 has it, but unless you can’t resist that shape, please try a completely new design).
Color: Blue & Gray – I’ll let you pick the shades (how’s that for artistic freedom!)
Words: Austin Hi-Tech Restoration. Do whatever you want with these. I think that Restoration can be minimized or separated for punch. Austin can be minimized also if needed. Remember, the key word is PUNCH!
Embroidering: This logo will be stitched above pockets so font size of letters has to be considered.
Tagline: Leave it off (as if you were going to put it on there anyway). But do me a favor, think about how I would present the tagline on a vehicle sign or business card. It won’t be a part of the logo, but it needs to work with the logo when we present it.
Thanks Scott, I feel so much better now that we have talked about this.
Now you can read the first 3 hours worth of work I put into this comment.
I’ll be checking my messages on the site all day tomorrow so let me know if you have any questions or messages like (Flip off Longhorn!).
- VA
At this time let’s focus on Entry #63. Please don’t withdraw Entry #64 and its variants (66-68) until we’ve looked a little closer into Entry #63.
I agree that Entry #63 is the best of this set. Within this logo, Hi-Tech and its surrounding framework has punch. When Austin & Restoration get added within the “stamp” (like on Entry #64) it takes away from that some. But it is clearly a very long “banner”, which might also cause problems when trying to apply it to certain media. I’m not sure it would fit on a business card unless it was shrunk way down. Can you give me an opinion about that? But one thing about its length might work to our advantage, the logo issue.
By the way, you haven’t addressed that logo issue yet in any of your designs, so if I figure out how to fix that for you, and you win, then you have to split the prize money with me!!!
Below I will explain several different variants of Entry #63 lettered A-? Each variant starts exactly like Entry #63 and then the changes will be described from there.
Here we go:
#63a – Try encompassing the Austin into the blue shape and Restoration into the grey shape. The ends of the shape will be the same and divided by Hi-Tech, but everything will be inside the “stamp”. Write the tagline underneath the stamp as you see fit. (Know you hate that friggin tagline don’t you).
#63b – Same as #63a except put the tag line inside the stamp under Hi-Tech and Restoration. (Spread it out baby). (I think you like this one and if it wins you owe me $237.50)
#63c – Same as #63b except put the tag line inside the stamp but only under Restoration.
#63d – Same as #63b but change the font and or spacing to see if you can squeeze the design down to a shorter length. See if you can prevent the letters in Austin and Restoration from becoming “less bold”. I don’t want the lines that create each letter getting any skinnier than they are. I’m a little worried about being able to embroidery the logo (or any logo with little letters). Do you believe that the current size of the line that creates the letters in Austin and Restoration are large enough to embroider above a shirt pocket of a button down shirt?
Oh yeah, all ya’ll ever wear up there are sweaters, I’ll explain. In Texas it’s hot, and when we go to work we wear short sleeved shirts with button downed collars on them. When you designed this logo you must have been thinking about embroidering it across the chest of a sweater. There’s plenty of room within that application. LOL / LOL / LOL!
I know that there is no way to stuff 10 lbs of shit into a 5 lb bag, but this could be a great banner logo if it wasn’t so dam long. I hear what you’re saying… I’m not going change my business name alright! It’s too late for that. So if you can think of a way to make this banner not so long left to right? Is there a font that wouldn’t look stupid that would bring it in somehow?
#63e – Start with #63c, and then reinsert the shape that is currently around Hi-Tech. This way there are three different shapes within the “stamp”. The only thing that divides the shapes is color. Start with grey on the left surrounding Austin, blue in the middle surrounding Hi-Tech, and gray on the right surrounding Restoration. If we like this design we will play with the colors some to make the blue pop a bit more, but leave everything the colors that they are currently.
#63f – Start with Entry #63 and add the matching shape around Austin only. Make the Austin shape gray and then make the Hi-Tech shape all blue. Insert Restoration below Hi-Tech like it is in Entry #64.
OK Scott, those are my thoughts and ideas on Entry #63, go back to what I said at the top of this comment and then please proceed forward in whatever direction you see as best.
Let put your mind at ease about Bcards, i've done up a mock and the horizonal layout works out fine. i see no problems, as mentioned I do take into consideration the requirements from Stationery to Signage.
here is a revision and I gone with a condensed version of the type face and bold
Entry #114 is beautiful. It is leading the contest hands down. Thank you so much for really thinking about my comments from last night. I believe you did. You came up with a design that has super PUNCH, will be easy for embroidery work, will create a brand that will burn in the observers eye, is the perfect blend of compact yet banner style (I have always been attracted to a banner), will be great for all media (business cards, letter head, truck signs, shirts, etc., etc.), and… it pays tribute to my old design for which I have spent 20 years representing.
Now, you must give me some credit for my own astute eye and natural design skills. Not only was I able to bring out the best in your considerable talents, but I was also to able to differentiate your work from the masses by looking through the top 15 designers within this website’s rankings. I clearly have a superior eye for talent.
Please leave all of your current designs on the board for reference.
I have currently ranked 5 variants of this design in the top 7 of my rankings. I feel a little bit bad about this because it doesn’t give some of the other designers the opportunity to gain any points for their efforts. But it is what it is because per my understanding of the rules, I am required to list 3 different designers within my top 3, even though these 5 variants are the 5 best submissions of the entire contest.
With that being said and after all of my considerable ass kissing, I am hoping that you will allow me to have all 5 of these variants once this contest is over. I personally like Entry #114 the best, but the large majority of the people that I have talked to about it prefer #113. So the jury might be out on that front, but I know that I have the best eye and probably will stick with my gut on that.
What do you think?
Also, I’m thinking that it would be really handy to have all 5 designs because I like them all and they could be used for different applications where appropriate. Example: Entry #112 or Entry #63 might be better as a letter head or on the shaft of a pen because of their length. Entry #115 would fit perfectly in the center of a baseball cap; it’s more of an emblem. So these different designs would be great for different uses and I’m hoping you will allow me to use them.
Check out the new attachment and its associated comment that I posted on my Brief. One of the reasons that I personally prefer Entry #114 over Entry #113, is that the cocked design creates even more punch and brand awareness. The cocked design makes it unusual and more recognizable out of the corner of your eye (Mr. FedX creator). But the main reason that I like it best is that the angle represents speed, and on that note I believe that it has the ability to become a reference to Mercury’s foot.
I’m so good! You should hire me part time to help analyze your designs and unlock the secrets for which they hide. LOLOLOLOOOOUD.
So what do you think about playing with that?
You could post it on your portfolio as the Greatest Design Ever!
I’m also thinking that making the back end go up a little bit higher would help with making the cocked design look a little more deliberate and not possibly a mistake. The first time I saw it I swear I though there had been some distortion in a scan or something that had caused a mistaken representation of a design. Isn’t that funny!
So if you’re willing to do so, please move the back end up a little and submit it, then move it up a little more, and then a little more, until you think that we have represented a few good options in that regard.
Also, you could tilt the letters a little bit to accentuate that speed motif.
And lastly which could be really creative, you could play with the design a little bit to make it look even more like Mercury’s foot. Now the angle of Mercury’s foot might be a little too extreme (we could look at that), but the Hi-Tech emblem could be moved back some so that the bottom of the curve would be closer to the end of the N in Restoration. This would make the Hi-Tech emblem look more like the wing and the N look more like the back of the foot.
The top of the Hi-Tech emblem could also be moved up a bit so it closer resembles the outline of the wing.
What do you think about those apples?
I really like the color but I might want to look at a couple other shades later, we could do that after the contest closes.
Let me know what you think about all this. I’m excited to see some variants of Entry #114. It will be really awsome to make it even more perfect than it already is.
Also, when this is all over I’m going to send you something special from Texas.
By the way, somehow you did stuff 10 lbs of shit into a 5 lb bag. You’re going to have to teach me that magic trick later. I’ve been trying to do that my whole life with no success.
Sorry I've been out of contact. I have suffered from a bit of Logo Tournament fatigue and I also needed to get back to work and address all the stuff that I blew off last week.
Anyhow, one of your entries will win the contest and your designs will also hold rankings 4-9 when I close things out. I’m leaving tenth place for Bordo because he communicated with me in the beginning and that was helpful, so I wanted to show him a little bit of love.
I guess I need a little direction from you now. I have read in the FAQ & Forum that during the Judging phase, the CH has the opportunity to work with the #1 ranked designer and complete any final revisions to the design. I haven’t hit the “Pick a Winner” button yet because I didn’t want to close the door on having that opportunity without talking to you about it first.
I don’t think that it really matters at this point, but either Entry #114 or Entry #175 will be the final winner. Places 5-9 will be held by #113, #112, #115, #63, & #167.
As discussed before, I would like to have copies of all 7 of those variants once the contest is over. Since some are similar I will probably scratch my head for a bit on which one I decided to finally use as my “Main Logo”. Also, some of the designs that are different could be used for particular applications where their shape and style are more appropriate. The “Main Logo” will be #113, #175, or #167. #113 and #175 are currently in a very close battle for first place, while #167 is slowly falling behind.
I digress.
Anyhow, my understanding of your reply about this was that you didn’t have a problem with providing those. I want you to know that I appreciate that and am hopeful that you are still willing to do so.
Below I am going to provide a list of things that I am hoping you will help me with so that I can finalize my decisions as to how I am going to present this design in the future. Now I am not a “something for nothing” kind of guy, and I don’t want to request something from you that is outside the boundaries of what should be acceptable within the context of this contest, so I would like to pay you directly for these changes and hope that you will be available to me for future design work if needed. I do appreciate your assistance and believe that your services could be useful to me in the future as I work to rebrand my business.
I’m making the assumption that using the LT platform is the best way to look at and communicate these changes and revisions. One positive for me is that I can look at multiple versions at the same time on one screen. This helps me compare the slight differences and which one I like better. If you were e-mailing me revisions I’m assuming that I would be opening them up one at a time, unless you packaged them together within one document where they were all next to each other. LT also allows us to number each revision so that they can be easily referenced. If you know of an easier way for both of us then let me know how you want to do it.
So here’s my list of honey-do’s and don’t moan about it because I’m paying you for it!
I am assigning a # and letter to each revision so that when you send them to me we both know which one the change represents.
• #175z – dot the “i” Hi-Tech in #175
• #167z – dot the “i” Hi-Tech in #167
On your portfolio for my contest, #114, #175, & #167 are “blown up” or are “zoomed in and out” at different levels. Basically, from my end they are 3 different sizes. #114 is panned out the farthest, #175 is zoomed in the most, and #167 is in the middle. The following 3 revisions are to make all three designs the same size visually to me when I look at them on LT. This will be considered the “base size” and so please make all future changes to these 3 designs at the same “zoom” level so that they can be easily compared.
• #114a – Take #114 and make its size equal to the others • #175a – Take #175z and make its size equal to the others • #167a – Take #167z and make its size equal to the others
• #114b – Take #114a and move the back end up a bit to create a slightly deeper slope or “cocked” angle to the design. You decide how much, it may only be a very slight adjustment (it’s up to you). The angle to the design is one of the things that I thought was genius about it. My thinking is that a slight bit more of an angle might make it even more recognizable and is worth taking a look at. • #114c – Move the back end up a bit more. Just give me another option to look at on this, whatever you think is worth considering.
• #175b - Same thing, take #175a and move the back end up a bit. • #175c – Same thing, back end up a bit more.
• #167b - Same thing, take #167a and move the back end up a bit. • #167c – Same thing, back end up a bit more.
• #113a – Take #113 and revise it with the same letter kerning (spacing between the letters) as is presented in #175.
• #63a – Take #63 and give it the same colors and color pattern as is represented in #112.
• #63b – Take #63a and then change the word “Austin” from blue to gray.
• #112a – Take #112 and then change the word “Austin” from blue to gray.
I’ve got to figure out what to do with our Tag Line, “Restoring lives after a loss”, and I want your help with that decision. I don’t believe that it should be “attached” to the logo in any way because that would take away from the punch of the design. I think that the tag line should “float” below the logo a certain number of spaces so that it doesn’t detract from the logo design. This will also allow the tag line to stand out and be more easily read. Don’t you agree?
Now our “Main Logo” is going to be a derivative of #114, #175, or #167 and will be cock at an angle with the back end higher than the front. So I would like to look at the Tag Line presented at the same angle (cocked) and also where it is flat and straight below the “cocked” Logo.
So with that thought in mind, it would probably be best if you came up with the best layout for the Tag Line presentation, and then included it on all of the revisions listed above.
There are three other versions of this design that I will be keeping and will not be revised further. They are #113, #112, & #115. Go ahead and present a version of those designs with the tag line included. In the end I am hoping to get a copy of all of the designs that I am keeping with both the logo and without, so we might as well go ahead and add the logo to these three now.
Concerning color, I really do like the colors you have chosen and I bet that I will stick with them just how they are. But if you haven’t figured this out yet, I like to look at my options, and I will probably want to look at 3-4 other shades or combinations. These changes will be very subtle and will be slightly different shades of the blue and gray which is currently presented.
We don’t have to worry about color now and playing with that is something that we can do later as a separate deal.
So now do you see why I wanted to pay you for this?
Let me know how you want to handle all of this and how you want to be compensated for your work.
OK Scott, we’re almost done. Thank you Thank you for presenting the items that you just did. I love the higher angle that you selected for the main logo. Entry #185 (formerly #167) is now in the lead and #182 (formerly #114) is out of contention.
I must have confused you a little bit with all of the revisions I requested because you thought you were working on the #175 base when you were actually working on the #167 base. That is totally fine because I know the difference and I needed everything you gave me from the original #167. The difference between the #175 base and the #167 base is that the word AUSTIN is shorter in #175.
The below revisions to #175 (two images) will be compared to #185 and it’s horizontal partner #180.
Before I forget, don’t worry about sending me any more items that include the vector shadow. I guess I wasn’t clear enough about that in my last request, but I prefer the plain old block letters.
So with that being said I really only need two more revisions to select a winner. They are:
• Take #175 – Dot the “i” in Hi-Tech, make it the same size (zoom level) as #185, and raise the back end up to match the angle of #185.
Either that revision or #185 will win the contest.
• Take #175 – Dot the “i” in Hi-Tech, make it the same size (zoom level) as #180, and then make it horizontal (flat) like #180.
The items that I am about to reference below were on the list that I sent you on June 9th, but you did not respond to these. I think I might have confused you on this also, because these requests involve moving colors around on only #63 & #112. You sent me everything that you worked on in your last reply with an option of Austin in gray. But just so you know those weren’t needed because I love the original color pattern on all of the base drawings that you just worked on (which are #114, #167, and #113).
The requests below are things that I want for the future and are not needed to select a winner. I’m thinking there might be a reason that I’m not aware of as to why you didn’t address this color swapping on #63 & #112. If there is a reason it is totally fine with me, just hang on to these files so that hopefully we can work on them in the future.
If you don’t mind going ahead and addressing these items now that would be great, and then we can compile a final list of everything I would like you to send me once this is all over.
Also, how am I going to get in touch with you after the contest?
Can I give you my contact information now? Or is there some rule against that?
Here are the color swap items from my June 9th request which weren’t addressed:
• #63a – Take #63 and give it the same colors and color pattern as is represented in #112.
Hang on to #63 for later reference because I like the gray that is in it. The gray in #63 is slightly lighter than the gray in the logos that we are currently working. But do not worry about applying the lighter gray that is in #63 to anything else. I just want you to hang on to that color so that when we fine tune color later you can quickly reference it.
• #63b – Take #63a and then change the word “Austin” from blue to gray.
• #112a – Take #112 and then change the word “Austin” from blue to gray.
That’s it!
I get the message that you don’t want to work on the Tag Line right now. Here again, that is totally fine with me and I just hope that you will be willing to help me with that down the road.
Same thing with fine tuning color. We can do that later and I hope you will work on that with me.
Thanks again for your help, the logo is wonderful.
this is #180 zoom to t#175 it was easier to do this since I've already uploaded the revisions to #175 (which I have already done with previous uploads...I simply re-uploaded again
I am really confused here --------------------------------------------- The items that I am about to reference below were on the list that I sent you on June 9th, but you did not respond to these. I think I might have confused you on this also, because these requests involve moving colors around on only #63 & #112. You sent me everything that you worked on in your last reply with an option of Austin in gray. But just so you know those weren’t needed because I love the original color pattern on all of the base drawings that you just worked on (which are #114, #167, and #113).
The requests below are things that I want for the future and are not needed to select a winner. I’m thinking there might be a reason that I’m not aware of as to why you didn’t address this color swapping on #63 & #112. If there is a reason it is totally fine with me, just hang on to these files so that hopefully we can work on them in the future.
If you don’t mind going ahead and addressing these items now that would be great, and then we can compile a final list of everything I would like you to send me once this is all over.
Also, how am I going to get in touch with you after the contest?
Can I give you my contact information now? Or is there some rule against that?
Here are the color swap items from my June 9th request which weren’t addressed:
• #63a – Take #63 and give it the same colors and color pattern as is represented in #112.
Hang on to #63 for later reference because I like the gray that is in it. The gray in #63 is slightly lighter than the gray in the logos that we are currently working. But do not worry about applying the lighter gray that is in #63 to anything else. I just want you to hang on to that color so that when we fine tune color later you can quickly reference it.
• #63b – Take #63a and then change the word “Austin” from blue to gray.
• #112a – Take #112 and then change the word “Austin” from blue to gray.
That’s it!
I get the message that you don’t want to work on the Tag Line right now. Here again, that is totally fine with me and I just hope that you will be willing to help me with that down the road.
Same thing with fine tuning color. We can do that later and I hope you will work on that with me.
Thanks again for your help, the logo is wonderful.
- VA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Now I know I’ve got you all mixed up. Concerning your most recent post from this morning about the parts of my last message that confused you and relate to moving the colors around on #63 & #112, don’t worry about any of that and let’s blow that off for now.
But here’s a tip and was stated in my last posting, I wouldn’t spend any more of your time on images that include the “Vector Shadow Effect”. I like the block lettering better so you don’t need to create any versions with vector shadow included. I’m just trying to save you work by making that clear.
But I do want to do 2 revisions to #175 that have not been done yet. In your last two set of revisions and postings, you are getting #175 mixed up with #167 (and #167’s derivatives #185 & #180).
I’ve got everything that I need on #167 and its derivatives. The final versions of the #167 base are #185 & #180. I am keeping #185 & #180 and they are perfect. #185 is a possible winner for the contest.
But I need to compare #185 & #180 to a set of revisions that I would like to have made to #175.
The main difference between #175 and #167’s derivatives (#185 & #180) is that in #175 the word AUSTIN is not as tall and it is not as long as it is in #167, #185, & #180.
That is the main difference, but the “i” in Austin needs a dot and it needs to be at the same zoom level as #185 & #180.
If you look at my contest you will see that I have #185 ranked in 1st, #180 ranked 2nd, and #175 ranked 3rd. Below I will describe the slight differences between them.
(1st) #185 – Tight Letter Kerning, AUSTIN is as tall as the line in the middle of the “H” in HiTech. The blue line that goes down the left side of the “H” in HiTech lands on top of and in the middle of the second “R” in RESTORATION. The “i” in HiTech is dotted. The back end of the logo has been raised to the higher level (which I really like), and the letters are blocked with no shadow effect.
(2nd) #180 – Everything is the same as in #185 above except this logo is horizontal (flat) and the back end has not been raised. #180 is at the same zoom level of #185.
(3rd) #175 – This is the one that we need to play with so that it can be compared. This one has Tight Letter Kerning, AUSTIN is not as tall as it is in #185, the top of AUSTIN is about even with the white line that underlines HiTech. The blue line that goes down the left side of the “H” in HiTech lands to the left of the second “R” in RESTORATION. The “i” in Hitech is not dotted. The back end of the logo was raised slightly, but it needs to be raised more to match #185. It is not at the same zoom level as #185 and it needs to be panned back to match. The letters are blocked with no shadow effect.
Just look closely at the differences between #185 & #175 and you will see what I’m talking about.
Look at your postings on June 9th that reference #167 & #175, that might help you get back to where those images are in your records.
On June 6th, 2011 @ 5:27pm, you state: “This one is better Text Visually More Balanced (This comment References Entry #175)”.
I too see #175 as “Visually More Balanced” than the #167 base (which lead to #185 & #180), so that’s why I want to get them set up the same so I can make a choice.
In your June 9th postings at 7:08am & 7:14am you reference your new entries as being revisions to #175. But you were confused about that and all of those revisions were to #167.
As I have already stated, that was totally fine because I needed those #167 revisions and I am TOTALLY happy with them. Again, those revisions that I am totally happy with are #185 & #180.
Lastly, to further clarify, all of your entries from today are derivatives from the original #167 base and are basically the same as #185 # #180 (except for the one with the shadow vector).
So, see if you can locate #175, there were no derivatives of it in your last two set of postings.
If you can find it, we only need two revisions from it.
• Take #175 – Dot the “i” in Hi-Tech, make it the same size (zoom level) as #185, and raise the back end up to match the angle of #185.
• Take #175 – Dot the “i” in Hi-Tech, make it the same size (zoom level) as #180, and then make it horizontal (flat) like #180.
Thank you Thank you Thank you!
We’re closing this thing out tomorrow! I’m sure you’ll be happy to have it behind you.
Sorry I’ve asked so much of you. Let me know if you have any issues or if there is something I can do.
I just went back and re-read what I just posted and I think I know how I am confusing you.
So read this first and just focus on these two instructions. If it isn’t clear to you then read the long version which was posted first. These last two revisions have been in my last two requests but you are getting #167 mixed up with #175 and it’s causing you extra work and probably making you frustrated with me.
SO THIS IS IT, I PROMISE: (focus scott…)
• Take #175 – Dot the “i” in Hi-Tech, make it the same size (zoom level) as #185, and raise the back end up to match the angle of #185.
• Take #175 – Dot the “i” in Hi-Tech, make it the same size (zoom level) as #180, and then make it horizontal (flat) like #180.
The top three ranked logos in my contest are (in order): #185, #180, and #175. Look at them together for reference so you can see the difference between #185 & #175.
To make sure that you aren’t confused, there have been no revisions made to #175 in your last 2 sets of postings.
#180 & #185 are perfect and I love them, but they are revisions of #167. (Not #175)
#195, #196, and #197 are grandchildren of #167. (Not #175)
None of the above or any of the entries in the last two sets of revisions are from the #175 side of the family tree. (LOL - now that was funny).
Don’t worry about any other revisions. All we need are the two stated above.
Don’t spend any more time on images with Vector Shadow Effect. I prefer the block letters.
Before you upload these two revisions, make sure that you started with the #175 base, not the #167 base. That is where the confusion is.