I understand what you are trying to do with the ATG but it doesn't appeal to the eye in a classy way to me. If someone saw that symbol by itself without the Audio To Go under it they would really wonder what the heck it was.
I'm also not really feeling the colors either. The whole logo is a little too plain or boxy for me.
Think of something more along the lines of what you did for: Rainmaker Guide Starscape Media Gateway Adventures
These should give you a better idea of the direction to try
There is no color and it looks a little too chrome looking. The diamond looks a little too much liek we are a jewelry shop and the headphones on the diamond lok cheesy.
The icons now look closer to what we do, at least it doesn't look like a jewelry shop however, the are a bit basic and all they say to me is "these guys play music"
Please read my brief again and understand that we are a lot more than just the music.
WE provide top notch entertainment. Our clients our very upscale and have a ton of money.
WE need something that would appeal to their tastes.
The blue ball looks a bit like a globe. Try a ball like you have in #89 but just make it blue
I don't like the headphones and record in #137 but that IS going down the right path. We always dress very well to all of our events and is something we are proud of.. We wear a tux and usually outdress other DJs