AudioToGo concept: iconic "a" or alpha symbol. Alpha as we all know means the top dog...the best of the best. It was also inspired from the events that the company caters, mostly formal events, thus the symbol looks like a bow tie.
You put some thought into this. Thank You. You even got my mind turning with ideas a little as well. I do like the font and the color blue. I also like the blue dot above the "i" because it brings out the color even more in the symbol. This logo could also look goodinverted on a white background. or it could possibly even be changed to go good on a blue collared shirt. Hmm. interesting.
Not sure if I am totally sold on the symbol but it is a great start. Try to think of some other symbols. Please don't withdraw this idea though. Thanks
I do look forward to more submissions or revisions from you BUT after seeing some other designers withdraw some images (luckily they weren't anything I was interested in), I wanted to make sure that I didn't lose this one.
Here's a variation. I dont want to put a real diamond image there as it could be mistaken for a jewelry shop, so I would take that a second look. What I did instead is framed my "alpha" symbol into a diamond shaped figure. Thanks for the feedback.
That is better but it still doesn't say what we do just by looking at the symbol. I need something that is going to be very memorable. IF someone sees it one time, they should be able to remember it and even describe our symbol to someone else if they ask about "Audio To Go"
I like it and it is still going to be ranked high, but just wondering if you have another idea for a symbol?
I admire all of the designers on here. I don't see how you all do it. Trying to read someones mind, I'm sure it can be a very frustrating yet rewarding job all at the same time.
Just like some designers have a day where they are not creative, I am having one of those days as far as , I don't know what other direction to give to you. I am at a blank!
If you have been following my contest, I have given a comment to every design so far, whether good or bad. I read that , by giving comments it really helps the designers out. I think I have written about as much as I can though as far as a concept goes. It will be up to a designer to actually come up with it. I appreciate the time you are taking on my contest, I just really don't know where to go from here.
I know that the mark is going to be a major decision maker in this process, so I am still looking for any awesome ideas for it.
Your latest two concepts just don't work as I don't think they appeal to the upperclass. Your first ones were better. Please feel free to try again. Thanks again for your entries so far.