These logos are very well designed. They are certainly our top choices.
Can we also see a concept that shows the “human form” or shape into your designs, so we can make the logo convey people and relationships in addition to the growth imagery? Could some of these concepts be tweaked to make the logo be more people centric? For example, at a very basic level, Intuit uses circles to give the impression there are “real people” behind their organization. Please incorporate the tagline: Growing people and practices
#20 - This is a rough concept and could use some further development, but I was hoping to get your initial reaction to the idea. I was thinking it could perhaps evolve into two people reaching together for a common goal.
We like #81 as is, but would like to see a version with perhaps the check slighly above the target. There are some that see drowning instead of hitting a target.
#45 Is it possible to see the text in a dark grey instead of the heavy black?
How will each of those logos translate in black and white?
As the weekend is approaching and your contest is winding down, I'll try to make myself as available as possible for revisions. Please keep in mind that you will also be able to request revisions during the Judging phase befor emaking your final selection.
Thank you for your rankings and comments throughout the contest. They have been most helpful.
Best regards, zrox Designer and Volunteer Moderator
If there is anything additional you need from me during judging to help you with your decision, please feel free to ask. I've spent several years as a designer within the accounting industry, and I think that experience, combined with your ideas, has led to some unique and meaningful designs for you to consider.
Thanks for a fun competition. I'm anxious to see your final selection.
Thank you for your email. I actually do have a question.
Your logo (#111) is our top choice. One concern from our Board is that it does not include the acronym. I know #139 does, but I think the Association name and tagline gets a little lost. If we chose #111 is there a way we can incorporate the acroynym some how? Now that the contest is closed, are we permitted to make edits?
#196 #197 - A couple of quick ideas for including the acronym. My preference of the two would be #196 since its placement on the left balances the figure's longer arm on the right. Looking forward to your comments.