The "swatch" mark is made up of 10 individual elements representing the 10 countries in the federation. If this is of interest, I can adjust any color as per requirements. Thank you.
Thank you for the feedback. Here is a variation where I remove the shade on the text. Please let me know if you would like to see any other variations.
#119 With the simple solid black font as your fall-back position, we would like to see some different font style, colour and texture treatments. The image is instantly likeable.
Thank you very much for the ranking! I'm very happy you like the icon. I will work on variations of the text as per your last message and upload later today.
Hello there- Here are a few variations for the text.
For #138 and #139, I am using a "linen" texture to the letters.
For #140, I am using a "cloth" texture - the edges are supposed to be a little frayed. Not sure if you can see this.
For #142, I am using a simple gradient.
For #143, I am using a black with gold outline combination.
I introduced two text styles. One is rather high-tech (#138, #139). The other is more restrained and classic. Please let me know your thoughts and if you would like to see any new direction with the font style and treatment.
#138 and #139 I like your linen texture in the font. Great idea. Ranked the brown colour only because its "safer", but I like the red one just as much.
The futuristic font itself may clash a little with the mark and look dated over time (ironically always a risk with futuristic fonts). The mark has a modern-traditional or classic-modern feel about it. The font should probably match that.
Hello there - thank you for the feedback. I will retain the color, dark brown, and the linen texture and apply different fonts. I'll upload as soon as I can so you can compare.
Hello there - #158, #159, #160, #161 and #162 are variations in the font using the dark brown linen treatment. I selected fonts that I thought fit the classic-modern feel of the mark. I look forward to your thoughts. Thank you!
#159 I think this font is great as looks like it's made from the same "material" as the mark and has a calligraphic feel about it. However, it might that the linen texture becomes too much. Therefore I would try linen-textured black, solid black, and solid darker colours from the swatch, such as the navy and dark red.
However, I think you've done very well with this mark and provided a lot of font options to think about. Wouldn't want you to spend much more time working on variations to this unless it goes on to win the contest and we seek a final version.
If you do anything more with this, maybe you could take your personal favourite font treatment and apply it to the Source ASEAN sub-brand.
I also liked the font in #159 the best. I'm glad we're in agreement.
I applied the font treatment as suggested in your last message. #170 in black linen. #171 in solid black. #172 in dark red. #173 in navy. Of all these, my favorite is the navy as the color appears as a nice surprise and balances nicely the colorful mark. I therefore did another variation for Source ASEAN in the same font and in navy.
I'm very happy to continue submitting variations if you would like to see anything additional for comparison. Just let me know. Thank you so much.