In #113, #114, #115: I redesigned the canvas so now it is made of 5 fibers on each side (or 10 fibers in total - the number of countries you represent). I also used the new design with all the 3 names you use. Regards.
Per my previous comment, what I meant was shifting the position of the triangle according to the brand, as ing:
AFTEX -- triangle would be "on top", per #98 SAFSA -- triangle would always be "top left", per #100 Source ASEAN -- triangle would be "on the right" per #113
But If I were to go with a consistent position for *all* three brands, I'd choose "top left" for horizontal format and "on top" for vertical format.
Positioning the triangle "on the right" would be my least favourite if I was to choose a consistent position across all three brands. Sorry if I confused you. :-)
Thank you for your feedback. You didn`t confused me. I couldn`t figure out what you we`re expecting. But it`s all clear now. Would you like to see the new triangle in the new positions you`ve just indicated? Regards.
Yes, that would be great. We've ranked #100 because we prefer the top-left position. 10 strands would be even better. You now might want to experiment a little with the colour and texture of the strands.
Before I submit the 3 variations, I wanted to ask you something: wouldn`t be better if - I put the triangle for AFTEX on the left so that the corner of the triangle integrates with the X? - I put the triangle for ASEAN on the top left so the diagonal of the triangle fits with the left leg of the A? - for SANSA, I put the triangle on top? Please let me know what you think. Regarding the texture, I wanted to keep it professional, simple and clean so to work well on all type of media. And for the colours, if you have any other prefferences, please let me know. Thanks and regards.
Hello! As we talked before, I put the triangle in different position for every brand. I also tried 3 new different fonts. Thank you for your feedback. Regards.
#154 You've nailed the mark. It will get a lot of support from the committee that will select the winner. Simple, slick, obviously textile/apparel-related, 10 countries, ASEAN colours. Nice work.
Outstanding issues with this concept are how the top-left positioning works with SAFSA, and font treatment, particularly legibility issues with the full name.