Hi - For entries #144 and #143, we have a few comments / tweaks we would like to see a few more variations of the logo (please put them together or try them apart): Please try a few with "Valente" more prominent (i.e. about 40% larger, but still smaller than the Antonio), and a different font for "Antonio". Please note that there is no "I" after the "T" in "Antonio".
Hi - none of the fonts that you have picked here are the right ones. Please also make sure you offer them in white with the black background, it's easier for us to work with than the grey. The Valente name should still be bigger, and the font perhaps a bit more formal than the new thicker one you have...
Hi , sorry for the inconvenience, moderator asked me to resubmit all my submissions on dark background, since they are for some reason not allowed. So here they are on plain black.