Thanks for the changes! Would you be able to create 2 more logos... One with #23 exactly how it is, but replace the tree use a regular "i" And the 2nd one with #23 how it is, but a different color font (light green or chartreuse green) and a regular "i" OR an "i" with a sphere that has two hands clasped as the dot above the "i"
Thanks cakra for the new logo! #23 Could you create a logo that has the same exact font that you used in #23 but replace the tree with a regular "i." Also could you make the curved line under the word Alliance green and keep the word "pediatrics" gray, but make it larger?
#26 I like that this is creative, but the hand isn't what I am looking for. I am not sure why though, because I do like the design. I am thinking if you are still up for trying more logos, could you create one that maybe has the "L's" in alliance intertwined somehow? I was thinking having the "L's" maybe weaved through each other might also be a way to capture an "alliance" - Not really sure how that would look, but thought I would give it as a suggestion in case you thought of something that would look nice.
Thanks for entry #23! I like the original idea! Could you please try to adjust the following: 1) make the word pediatrics slightly larger 2) somehow incorporate other colors (I like the color brown you used in #24, so maybe make the curved line this color brown), and 3) make the "head" or the dot above the "i" the same color as the other alliance font color, so it ties in the word.
Thanks for the original idea, I like a fresh perspective!
cakra - thanks again for all of your modifications. Would you please be able to do the following: #33 make the word alliance bigger; also, the colors are not exactly what I am looking for. could you please use a different color green for "alliance", maybe like a light color green, like number 367 on this Pantone color chart: Also, could you make the word pediatrics a gray color and make the line underneath a blue color (maybe like 292 on the color chart).
#44 I like the design a lot, but would you be able to change the colors? What about using a color 2716 from the Pantone color chart for the word alliance and then a brown or blue and a gray for the rest of the logo (lines and the word pediatrics).
Thanks so much for your help, I think we are getting closer!!!
Cakra- thank you so much for your entries again!!! I really like the logos, because I feel like we are getting close. But I haven't seen the exact one yet. I LOVE the little person/tree figure you came up with. Please, if you don't mind could you make a couple more revisions. I would like three more logos. Here are my ideas:
Logo modification 1: #33 a) could you please change the font color to a richer green (i know i had you use a lighter green, but it made the word alliance look like "all" and "ance" and it was too light of a logo); b) could you please make the word pediatrics as large as you did in #46? c) could you please use the font you used in #46?
Logo modification 2: could you please take the logo you made for #1 above and make all of the logo in blues (using the darker color blues for the font). So the little tree-guy would still be used as the "i" but she/he would be blue along with the font.
Logo modification 3: #26 again, I love this font! could you please a) switch the colors (use the darker color as the font and the lighter color as the line through the A and the line at the bottom). Also, could you please incorporate your little tree-person somehow into this logo? But not using it as the "i" in alliance. Instead he could be below it to the side, above it, or somewhere else. By the way, I do like the font color you used in your logo #48 so maybe use that blue as the font if you think it looks good.
Thanks Cakra!!! #67 could you make the tree-guy a little larger (not as large as the one in #69. So the size of the guys would be in the middle of the size of hte guy in #67 and the size of the guy in #69.
Also, is it possible to make this same logo in the darker blue color used in #46 or the blue used in the word alliance in #48? Thanks again!
Hi cakra, I really like what you have done with #72. I have one more request...could I see this exact logo, but with the font a little bit thinner - so it would look a little less like a bold font.
Also, I have an important question...can you please let me know what the "name" of this font is? Or is there a font that is used in Microsoft Word that is similar to this one?
of course you can use these fonts if you want .. can also be used for the application of Microsoft Word.. entry #77 use a thinner font.. now its look very clean and strong :)
#134 - really cool cakra! i do like how the guy is growing :) One of the thigns I like about the one I ranked #1 is that there are two people behind the "person" - capturing the "togetherness" or team work.
You have worked so hard on this project. Thank you so much!
cakra - thank you very much for one of your final entries...#146. It has made my decision much more difficult. I was wondering if you could submit two more logos: Logo 1) Make the letters in "alliance pediatrics" font a little more spread out (not sure if this makes sense). And could you make the green figure on the left so it is the same size as the green one on the right. That way, the little blue guy will be under the "arch" of their two arms.
Logo 2) Make the letters in "alliance pediatrics" font a little more spread out (not sure if this makes sense). And could you make the green figure on the left so it is just slightly larger than the green one on the right.
Logo 3) Modifciation to logo #148 Make the letters in "alliance pediatrics" font a little more spread out (not sure if this makes sense). And could you make the blue figure on the left so it is same size as the blue one on the right. This modification is basically exactly the same as what I requested in my modification titled "logo 1" above, it will just show me how the logo would look iwth the two figures being blue and the same size.