We really like the way the image in #36 suggests the lumen of the esophagus. Although no one outside our profession would recognize it, it looks like what we see when we look through our scopes during procedures. We don't know if that was intentional or just a fortunate accident. I know there probably aren't many pictures of endoscopes on the web for use as in graphic art, but some in our group feel the need to have an obvious visual reference to our profession in the logo, like the line between Gastroenterology and Associates being an endoscope, if that's within the realm of possibilities. Thanks for considering.
Hello there, I wanted to tell you that I made some research in order to be able to submit at your contest;also I made the changes for the logo, and some models with the endoscope but my designs need to be accepted by Logo Tournament staff and after that you will be able to see them. But the problem is that the contest is soon over and I am afraid you will not be able to see them; that is why I will attach the link for my blog- I posted them there! http://proiectaregrafica.blogspot.com/ Thank you!
Wow! You really did your homework. Unfortunately I was not able to be at the computer for the final hour of the open phase of the contest. I don't know if you can still continue to submit designs but we love what you've given us.
We really like the way you used a scope to underline the name in #77. Could you combine that with #36? Since you are in our top 5 now, can you still submit?
Yes, I just realized I can submit now; earlier I was a little bit afraid you will not be able to see my last designs! Now it is ok! I submitted 2 models - but I want to find a balance in this combination of 2 logos - that is why I will try to make some more sketches and then submit again. Thank you very much for your appreciation!
Love these designs. Some of our group prefer a more horizontal arrangement for use on things like letterhead. Could we see what #90 and 91 would look like with the round image on either end. I know it might be challenging in terms of finding a balance.
You've been very responsive to all requests and really done your homework to find images like the scopes. We appreciate it. Some in our group really love bright colors. Could we see #101 with some other colors and maybe move the loop away from the handle a little more so it isn't mistaken for a flyfishing rod and reel. Also would like to see a version of #101 without the lumen-like image within the loop. I do like that image and hate not to incorporate it, but maybe it's too much. Thanks Again.
You're a logo machine. I can't believe how many designs you cranked out. You're the top pick of several in our group, but it's going to take us a few days to fight this one out. Thanks for all of your work and ideas.
Now that you are back in our #1 spot, would it be possible for you to show us some variations on #129 that have equal emphasis given to the "Advanced" and "Gastroenterology" as in #143, but with the lines flanking a small "Associates" as in #149? Could we see this in a bright royal blue like you used for the background of #149, as well as in both block script and cursive script? Admittedly, some in our group are really attracted by the sun designs, but I think that we are getting really close to a scope design that will appeal to all. Thanks for all of your entries.
Thank you for your feedback and appreciation; I made the changes according to your feedback and please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any other requests! Thank you!