Achievement in Career Engagement (ACE)Logo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Achievement in Career Engagement (ACE)
Achievement in Career Engagement (ACE) has selected their winning logo design.
For $475 they received 457 designs
from 41 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
ACE is a project that help connect employers to students that are completing work-based learning components.
Color Preferences
Dark Red with Black, I will provide our company logo to try and match our colors.
But I am open to other colors that would blend well together.
But I am open to other colors that would blend well together.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
The Logo should center around the word ACE
Achievement in Career Engagement
I will provide our company logo to try and match our colors.
Achievement in Career Engagement
I will provide our company logo to try and match our colors.