Thank you for your entries! I am surprised by your logo #57. It has potential, but it needs some changes. Can you make the letters in a straight line and make the A look more upright. The slogan also in a straight line. Can you make a colour combination, so not only red, but at least two colours?
Thank you again for your entries. Looks much better! But, 1. What happens now, though, is that the swan sort of vanishes. Can you make her bigger? 2. I still want you to make the A even more upright. Make a combination of style between the swan and the curl under the A.
Let's see what happens. Continue with an orange colour.
Thank you for your entries! #69 is what I asked for, but somehow it does not work for me. #68 is an option, but also not the best I have seen so far. If you have any other suggestions please do so. Do you think you can do that?
Thank you for trying something different with #90. The bird looks like a guinea fowl. I do not really see a swan in it. Could you make the same logo without the bird? I do like the font. The black background looks chique, but is not very practical when making stationaries... So please a white background.
I like them, but they don't touch me. You follow my feedback and come up with new ideas, but somehow they don't stick to my brain as they should do. Sorry. Thanks for the effort you have made. You will get a honourable place in the list of entries, but there is no winner in your designs (yet).