Hi, please find my first design attached. I've created a striking graphical design using strong colors and bold text. The 'P' drills down through the blue (suggesting the drilling/exploration) it leads to the star which represents the petroleum but it is also the star contained within the Texan flag. This leads the eye directly to the "Domestic Exploration - Well Worth The Effort" tagline as the star represents a good thing (worth the effort). The dates and location then follow. Also note that the Southwest Section Annual Convention AAPG 2010 all stand out as a key point in the red. The colors used are representative of Texas as these are the colors of the flag. The whole design is supposed to be tall and deep as this suggests the depths at which you drill to strike petroleum. Please let me know if you'd like to see any changes. Thanks BMF
We can lose the website address. Also we'd like more emphasis on the theme as opposed to the date.
Potential idea: in the blue background that the "P" is drilling into have a subtle "strata" of rock formations. For an example, Denbury Resources logo has an upward curving anticline with an oil reservoir in it. i.e. http://www.annualreports.com/Company/1185 --> the DRI logo. Blue color can remain, just the imprint of the rock beds.
#14 Make the star bigger (its ok to increase the "oil blob" rock layer thickness. Don't taper the P as much and keep it all red - no black line down the side. Date is 2010 Still would like to get the theme font size bigger if possible.
We pretty happy entries 21 & 22. The issue is the orientation, if we choose your design are we limited to getting just one? i.e. we have places where we need a portrait orientation vs. landscape. Otherwise we might have to have a more square dimensioned logo.
Hi there, thanks for coming back to me. Not a problem - I'm happy to give you both versions if I win the project. In fact I've created square one also - see attached. I don't mind sending you all three.