AAA Energy Service CoLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / AAA Energy Service Co

AAA Energy Service Co has selected their winning logo design.

For $750 they received 390 designs from 78 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
What We Do
We are a full service commercial HVAC/R (heating, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration) contractor.
Color Preferences
Blue and green. Maybe some white, grey, red or orange.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Potential Logo Ideas: A simple blower or fan. Something signifying a heat exchange (hot to cold) cycle. A sphere holding some sort of interesting AAA.


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1 2 3 ... 5 6 7 1 ... 7 Next >


Logo Designer
A lot of newbies here giving this one a try! Welcome and good luck!
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Yes feedback would be good as not to alienate designers from this competition
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Sam, It's a combination of 3 capital A's, familiar to what shape?
16 years ago
Logo Designer
hi sam, maybe u could see the white part of logobyte's design, u'll realize there are 3 A's...
sorry if im wrong, but thats what i got...:)
no offense..hehe
16 years ago
Logo Designer
I think he was trying to say he'd seen it used by logobyte before in another competition or something along those lines. Personally I wouldn't know but it wouldn't matter anyway if it wasn't the winning design for that one. Its still his intellectual property until it's sold.
16 years ago
Sorry.....I just found this area for comments.

Here are three potential logo ideas in no particular order: #1. Some sort of blower or fan. #2. Something signifying the heat exchange cycle (hot to cold). #3 A sphere holding an interesting version of AAA.

I prefer simple logos. If I can figure out how to do it, I will go to the site's Portfolio and reference some that I like.

16 years ago
Logo Designer
hi pixelworkx, actualy i never see logobyte's design before...i just realize it when i saw that AAA logo made by logobyte :)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
here comes new variations...:)
16 years ago
The only reason I have #54 first is because the logo is sort-of interesting.....although it doesn't really represent anything in the HVAC/R world.
16 years ago
I like the airflow look on #21......not in love with the AAA.
The AAA on #38 are interesting....but it is hard to tell that they are A's.
I like the "energy transfer" circle on #70.
The triangles on #28 are very nice.....but not sure how they tie in.
#52 has a cool logo......but it doesn't make sense in HVAC/R.
#18 and #31 have a nice green feeling, but the light bulb makes me think of electrical work.....and that isn't what we do.
Love the wind turbine on #19, but that isn't what we do.
I like the colors and concept on #9, but it is hard for me to see the airflow.
I also like the AAA on #1, but they seem to be mising something.

16 years ago
From your portfolio, I like your Thornbrooke Homes logo with the circle, and I like your GamerID logo.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
can you tell me something about #72? what can I do to make it more efficient for you
16 years ago
Logo Designer
ow thanx for ur compliment dkelley11....:)
i hope i can won someday...:)
oh yeah, i submitted 2 other variations.
what do u want me to do with my design up there?
all critics are very welcome because i do learn from it all...:)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
oh yeah is the slogan have to involved on the logo?
16 years ago
Logo Designer
dkelley11 - please click on a designers concept to post comments about particular designs.

To other designers please don't point out your designs to the CH here. PM them or comment within your own upload section thanks.

16 years ago
Logo Designer
hi guys,
it's my first time here and first competition, and I am really impressed with your interest on my work and even supporting me... thank you for all... :)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
I'd just like to say I see the copying of elements ,layout style etc going on already in this competition. It's supposed to be about originality, not 'let me see if I can make somebody else's design/idea look identical'.

It is dissapointing that people resort to it. Those who do really shouldn't be on logotournament or be allowed to call themselves designers!

Don't pirate, ORIGINATE!
16 years ago
I agree that there is some copying. As the beneficiary of the "collaborative effort", I am torn. It seems like having multiple talented designers improving on a single concept will make the final product that much better. But unfortunately only one designed can "win". Maybe there should be a way for designers to team up and share the prize.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Maybe designers should start to come up with their own ideas. This is getting to be just disgusting the amount of designers that are ripping off the ideas of winnings designs altering the angle, color or orientation of one or two elements and then calling it their own.

Be a designer. If you can't then go get a job at your local gas station take some art and design classes and come back in a year when you have your own imagination.
16 years ago
Yeah, I am having problems with originality in my contest.

I really like #214 great job!
16 years ago
Logo Designer
#214 it's pretty much a fusion of another designs... and it's not even the original starting idea of pixelworx, although, i admit his logos are very neat and well done, i don't know if some other logos made by him are also ripped of from another designs... (please don't take it as a personal attack, which is not my intention at all...)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Mike, it is a developed idea using a mix of originality and 'common' ideas using my colour scheme, soft font style and layout combination which most others have deemed fit to copy. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. My other designs are 'originals' as I am not one to enter everything in the vague hope of sucess, i'll enter 1 or 2 competitions a week and put quality time into it as I believe in quality over quantity. who else has made 30 plus revised in this contest?

Although you say not to take it as a personal attack, I do find the following comment a bit scathing as some of us are proud of the work we do and the dedication put into it.

"i don't know if some other logos made by him are also ripped of from another designs..."

But i'm not one to hold a grudge.
16 years ago
Logo Designer

There is no guideline anywhere in the design world to say that a logo cannot contain more than one relevant element. Not every logo in the world is a single wordmark. Take a look at the Unilever logo, it is made up from multiple images to symbolise all the fields Unilver deal and manufacture in. Do you think that is not a logo?

A logo is what it needs to be, a mixture of imagery, symbology and text in any combined amounts or orientation where the important thing is the relevance to the company or brand!

Good luck with your wordmarks!
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Unilever's is ok, it is connected to the company's profile. As for the AAA company here, has anyone asked why someone who's dealing with HVAC would ever use 3 A's in shape of the atomic symbol?
This is the real issue and you are brinking a very good point here pixelworx, but again sometimes the client - if dkelley11 is the direct buyer - has a shortned vision about things and this is when our role here as designers should interfere and guide the client with our submisisons and our thoughts.
Unfortunately, dekelly11 is not a very good listner and has his/her's own vision which cannot be changed whatever we would do, and in my opinion that AAA atomic setup has nothing to do with this company.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
No worries gerasidi, no offence taken (or given)! The good thing about logo's like this is that you can break them down into the separate elements. Imagine the doors on the back of a van, the fan icon on the left door, the text on the right door. Both doors closing to complete the logo, but both parts still making sense on their own with the doors open. As long as the detail is bold enough for small sizes (which I cater for) there won't be any problems with print. I know sometimes people design logo's with hairline strokes that dissapear when reduced to a card or header but experience has taught me over the years to make everything visible for any given output size.

Its obvious you are going to be an active participant on this site by taking the time to observe and comment and I wish you the best of luck in your entries!

16 years ago
Logo Designer
I just want to say, normally I don't copy and hate to do it... but since everybody here is doing it... I guess why not me 2...
16 years ago
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