6dB EntertainmentLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / 6dB Entertainment

6dB Entertainment has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 124 designs from 32 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

From a whisper to a ROAR!
What We Do
We magnify/expand/promote the celebrity brand 'noise' of all things in entertainment especially the individual, via multiple mediums including but not limited to music; film; television; print; digital; etc.
Color Preferences
Purple has a high resonance within our culture for it's regal qualities, as well as golds, reds, orange & blacks...

I don't necessarily need those colors, but the associations to those colors do associate to what we deliver: Regal, passion, secrecy and luxury; creativity, etc.

The colors should reflect our elite status and our powerful energy to take it to the next level.

I'd like to see something done with Silver, gold/yellow and purple... Maybe a shade of blue

But please feel free to use colors other than what I suggest.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
In visual tags down the road with future projects, I picture a 3D animation of a young tiger or lion cub struggling to get out a sound and a flash of intervention that turns it's meow into a deafening ROAR from a lion or other big cat. Possibly a bear cub into a Kodiak Grizzly as another example

"From a whisper to a ROAR!"

You can go to this link to our temporary website to see a short 3D animation of something that inspires us:


The website is also not indicative design wise of what we are doing, but you can find a few triggers or cues within the few short pages.

You can also go to www.rockstarmusiccorp.com for some design feel from one of our main clients.

We are looking for something really innovative and POWERFUL.. Something that says we're at the centre of it all and we are going to take you to the next level.

Possibly a character or emblem featuring something that morphs from a whisper to a roar.


Order by
Entry Number






















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Example #2 also misses what the logo needs to portray.

6dB means 6 decibels.. a very low whisper it also originally meant six degrees of Beleshko, regarding my extensive networks and connections within Hollywood, L.A., NY, Toronto and Vancouver.

One of my client's Nick Gilder, http://members.shaw.ca/llcb/nickgilder/
had been the first to express "From a whisper to a ROAR!, due to the 6db part of the company name..
He mistook it for 6 decibels.. 6 dB... So we have ran with that eve since.

We are unbelievably effective in taking actors, musicians, etc into the stratosphere with their careers and projects.

so I am looking for more design element that has a character or emblem that really incorporates the 'From a whisper to a ROAR' in regards to talent ,management and production.
15 years ago
April 28th, 2009, 7:41pm Example #1 doesn't quite represent the imagery of taking someone who is good and vaulting them into excellence. I want more emphasis with the 'whisper to a roar' imagery or feel.

We take someone like a singer who has a few singles on the air and on iTunes, but no distribution deal or perhaps just a small label and we turn everything upside down to create massive success that appears tobe sudden. But it is through our connections and abilities that we are able to take them into a distribution deal signing with a major label and make them a celebrity very quick!

So logos really need to emphasize the small to huge in record time!

I'd like to see more emblem or character development in the logo as well
15 years ago
Example #3 and #4

First thing I almost see is the number of the beast 666.... Even though one character is reversed the mind's eye goes there pretty quick. I'd like to avoid that.

Example #3 is thumbs up for creativity.. this logo is starting to lean more towards emblems or characters, but still does not express the transition from mediocre to pinnacle.

Designers please bear in mind the industry I am in is all about the ROCKSTAR LIFESTYLE.
Something with a tasteful BLING.
I am looking for the premium brand appeal with the outlandish lifestyle feel.

Again something that is regal and portrays talent going from a whisper to a roar.. perhaps a lion cub morphing into a 'regal' roaring lion I'd like to see some reflective silver incorporated with purple and gold.
Maybe a purple robe trimmed in gold on a lion holding a silver scepter or a microphone, maybe under a silver spotlight.


15 years ago
#10 I'd like to see the word 'Entertainment' incorporated in a unique way. Or perhaps an additional character or emblem that suggests celebrity or entertainment.
You definitely captured the whisper to a roar but the imagery suggests only sound whereas we deal not only in music, but also film, TV and modeling.

I know it is impossible to capture all things in an image but I'm looking for the image of 'BREAKTHROUGH!' success. Thanks and good luck!
15 years ago
#8, for the moment I'm ranking yours 1st because you have visualized the best representation, so far, of exploding into success or stardom.

But I want to see the slogan 'From a whisper to a ROAR!' incorporated in all of the logo submissions and I certainly want to see more dimensional elements and or emblems and characters.

I'm going for VERY HIGH end... My client's include Jessica Simpson, Ray J, Jesse Metcalfe, Warner Brother's, Beyonce, Elise Estrada, etc. The logo must be a representation of my client's good taste.. Both refined and sophisticated, yet explosive and gregarious! They are getting more of a ROCKSTAR lifestyle due to 6dB Entertainment's contributions.
15 years ago
#3, I'd like to see something more visual in regard to the explosion into stardom.. something that metaphorically shows that growth of 'From a whisper to a ROAR!'

The logo you created in of itself is very nice and original, but I don't get that high entertainment agency feeling from it, at least not completely. Give me something that shows more high end Hollywood with explosive success
maybe incorporating the word 'entertainment' somehow.
15 years ago
#15 , I'm sorry you think the feline is over used or cheesy.. The essence of our firm is in our slogan.. What about a bear or other kind of roaring animal?

I get the vibe from your design, but it lacks the elitism that is required for Hollywood client egos.
It's the necessary evil of my industry.

I need sharp, bright, shiny imagery.... as cliche as it may be it is what it is.

Thanks for your submission!
15 years ago
Thank you for all the submissions so far.

I am at times confused as to which direction I want to go..
Complicated with a character or emblem #8, #29, #36, #40

Or, something clean and sophisticated like #3, #21 or #22

I certainly am not close to deciding yet... The rankings are my effort to assist everyone in seeing where my thoughts are going.

I certainly want to try to incorporate all of the following into our logo:
'6dB', 'Entertainment', 'From a whisper to a ROAR!'

I prefer the following logo types:
Pictoral mark, Abstract mark, Emblem or Character

So please keep making submissions as I am not close to deciding yet.

I may also up the contest prize amount as I know I am asking for lots of work and adjustments.

Thank you
15 years ago
I have removed my rankings for now as I am going to take some time to settle on the direction I want to go and then place my rankings.. Hopefully within the next 48 hours or less.

Thanks for all the submissions so far.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hey kendall,
alot of us are waiting on that direction + re-ranking to be done so we can continue tweaking our concepts in the direction you want, the sooner the better,
15 years ago
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