Example #2 also misses what the logo needs to portray.
6dB means 6 decibels.. a very low whisper it also originally meant six degrees of Beleshko, regarding my extensive networks and connections within Hollywood, L.A., NY, Toronto and Vancouver.
One of my client's Nick Gilder,
http://members.shaw.ca/llcb/nickgilder/had been the first to express "From a whisper to a ROAR!, due to the 6db part of the company name..
He mistook it for 6 decibels.. 6 dB... So we have ran with that eve since.
We are unbelievably effective in taking actors, musicians, etc into the stratosphere with their careers and projects.
so I am looking for more design element that has a character or emblem that really incorporates the 'From a whisper to a ROAR' in regards to talent ,management and production.