Limin' Professionalz: The Syndicate, Ltd. (LP:TS)Logo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Limin' Professionalz: The Syndicate, Ltd. (LP:TS)

Limin' Professionalz: The Syndicate, Ltd. (LP:TS) has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 161 designs from 26 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

Trinidad and Tobago
One Caribbean... Connected!
What We Do
A professionally structured, social Organization that is connecting Caribbean people located across the globe via our website,, to the businesses, culture and lifestyle they call their own.
Service Industries
Color Preferences
Like to see - Orange, Black, Grey, White
Our Ideas & Additional Information
We are a social network spread accross the world that is offering a web marketing solution for the businesses we believe can sufficiently supply the needs of our membership.

The site also engages our members in events and activities that satisfy their needs in the areas of business networking, professional development, community service, sports, health and fitness etc.


Order by
Entry Number
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1 2 3 1 ... 3 Next >


#4 Not a bad start. However, I've realized that a text logo may be a bit too simple. I've reconsidered and removed "Wordmark" as one of the style options. We'd like to see and go for something more along the lines of pictoral, abstract, letterform, emblem or character-based as described in the brief.
15 years ago
#5 Not really feeling the flower concept. Looking for something that more represents the unification of the Caribbean PEOPLE (key word) as well as incorporation of the website address
15 years ago
#9 Like the font. Good start. Now we need a couple things...
(1) something along the lines of pictoral, abstract, emblem or character-based as described in the brief to represent our core concept of connecting people from the Caribbean, located all around the world and

(2) Some color... The orange in our company colors along with the grey, white and black.
15 years ago
#10 and #11 . This is way too similar to a political party known as the United National Congress (UNC)'s logo here in my country.
15 years ago
#12 same comment as for #9 (except for the font. I like his better)
15 years ago
#12 and #9, we're missing that PROFESSIONAL, yet CASUAL,HUMAN element combined with a Caribbean feel
15 years ago
#13 Don't like the text. I like #9's text amd layout. The silhouettes look too much like cartoons. I feel like I've seen them somewhere before, like I can download these off of's image gallery or some other silhouette site. Want to make sure out logo is distinct and most importantly, original and unique.
15 years ago
#16. Getting warmer...

* The Company Name should stand out more than the slogan though
* How about converting the colors? That is, using the orange where the white is in LP:TS and "Limin' Professionalz:" so that it fades from Orange to Grey instead of White to Grey
* Make the slogan font smaller and grey
* Liked the text better without the shadow. Remember we will be using these to print tees etc. and shadow effects most times arent an acceptable format.
* Connected is spelt wrong. A "n" is missing
* Like the abstract shape below. Thats a keeper
* Looking for more than just text. What's next? For e.g., instead of the letters "LP:TS," can we get a graphic representation of the concept?
15 years ago
#18, #19, #20, #21: Interesting idea with the globe but the overall image isn't jumping out at me yet. The embossing and gradients are going to make it difficult to print the logo on tees etc. Please remove let's see how that looks

#19 The abstract shape below and the slogan look out of place now. Overall the logo seems like a bit too much going on.

I like the simplicity of #16 but the "LP:TS" could be replaced with something more graphically representative of our concept
15 years ago
#25 and #26. See comments above y'all... Not looking for just a text logo
15 years ago
#9 ... This is our foundation ... Let's build on this given all my comments

A start: Can we get something like the drawing/outline of a semiprofessionally dressed man (blazer, shirt, slacks, no tie and shoes) and woman (pants, jacket and shirt) in relaxed poses as if at a social, networking event.... Doesnt have to be filled... Just outlines like Fido Dido for 7Up
15 years ago
#27. Step in the right direction

However, the characters look a lil on the explicit side. Can we get something like the drawing/outline of a semiprofessionally dressed man (blazer, shirt, slacks, no tie and shoes) and woman (pants, jacket and shirt) in relaxed poses as if at a social, networking event.... Doesnt have to be filled... Just outlines like Fido Dido for 7Up

Don't like the font. Prefer the font used in #9 in comparison

No gradients prefered.
15 years ago
#49 and #50
Good effort... But dont like the fonts and the look and feel isnt enough on the professional side as we would expect. Too casual-primitive
15 years ago
#51... Too social
15 years ago
#60 I've seen this somewhere
15 years ago
Logo Designer
April 26th, 2009, 8:10pm
This post was used on a different competition to highlight some rules of the LT (previously posted by Dazzle - Moderator for LT)

" March 22nd, 2009, 11:48am
How are you doing ? hope you are doing great. As this contest is about to come to an end, and you will be chosing the best new logo for your company, i just wanted to have your attention to some important point that you might be aware of or might not. I hope i am not miss understood by pointing out this to you and that you understand.

When the contest ends and you have made your mind and desicion about the winner logo, the winner gets the 1st place, but the 2nd and 3rd place and going on forward, 4th, 5th, 6th , etc , each one or slot should be filled with a seperate designer and different concept you found second best, third best to follow etc.

This helps towards us designers ranking and also it is a way from you to show your appreciation to the hard effort and trails put from the beginning by one designer or appreciating a nice design concept put earlier by a designer that led to developing on right direction for others and you getting the best you could at the end.

It feels frasturating for other designers and pointless of giving all the top rankings for same winner designer, while those were just a small variations of the winning design and therefore the other places 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc are not filled with different designs from a different designer.

So i hope you understood my point i was just trying to point out to you here and all the best of luck in chosing your winner logo, there are really good ones out there.

please take a moment to rank your contest in fair and just will go along way when you decide to start another....simply because more designers will participate if they know a contest will be judged fairly.

Best Regards,
15 years ago
I can see our logo! Problem, its a combination of 3 submitted entries... The first to get them all together, I guess has the best shot! The 3 are: #105, #84, #56

#105. We like the combination of everything into one complete circle. Since this is now the closest to the vision we have so we wioll use that as the base. Here are the preferred amendmends:

1. We prefer the silhouttes of the man and woman used in #84. It PERFECTLY represents both the social and professional. We need them to be a bit closer together though.
2. "Limin' Professionalz:" should be in orange to match the rising sun
3.We prefer the font used in #56
4. Add the web address,
5. Capitalize the "L" in Ltd.
15 years ago
#109. Still like the concept, but the stance of both the male and female. Also make the "Limin' Professionalz" text Orange
#84. Like the stances of the man and woman. Perfect representation of both the social and professional aspects, but don't like the overal concept, neither the font
#106 Still love the font but the concept is a bit too "Hawaiin" ... The professionals on the beach is a bit too much.. also a bit too colorful. Prefer to stick to the company colors, orange, black, grey and white and prefer the man and women are facing the viewer rather than each other
15 years ago
#106 Would prefer it if you cannot identify with any particular race with the image of the persons. prefer the outline version. Only thing is we need the dress code to be professional but the poses to be social
15 years ago
#115. THe silhouettes need to be more professional
15 years ago
#119, #121. Remove "LP:TS"
15 years ago
#114. Change font color of "LP:TS" to white or grey. Try one variation with the full company name above the abbreviated
15 years ago
#127... Similar to what you did with the man's tie, add a shirt on the woman and define the left arm some more to make it look as though her hand is on her hip
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Whats after happening with the competition. Is no1 a winner now?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Really, what's happening:)
15 years ago
Apologies everyone... but after much consideration of the entries submitted, my business partner and I have decided that none of the submissions capture and really represent the true concept of what we're tying to do enough to make it our official logo.

We do however, sincerely appreciate your time and patience and participation in the competition and wish each and every one of you the best in future competitions. We are proud of the amount of talent that this environment (website) attracts and have conveyed our congratulations on the idea to its Founder.

Unfortunately, this time we were unable to come away with that representation we're looking for, but we hope to return for future jobs.

Thanks again
15 years ago
Logo Designer
ok, i was not involved in the potential winning of this contest, but it is worrying that a CH can just cancel the contest. i thought these were guaranteed to produce a winner??
15 years ago
Logo Designer
they are unless Tyler has blocked the CH
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi i hope the files are suitable and could you please tick the approval box if everything is OK.


15 years ago
Logo Designer
This is a disgrace!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
@ysonmez - Yes it is...
15 years ago
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