Thanks so much for taking the time to submit a logo - I really appreciate it!
I really like logos 56 and 55 in the way that you have incorporated a house into the number zero.
Could you please resubmit this logo, however just take out the key. Just leave it as 40 Forty, but with the house in the middle of the 0. Perhaps you can make it stand out that it is a number and not the letter O as well.
Additionally, could you submit one with the same logo above, but the words '40 Forty Home'. The word 'Home' can be in light blue.
Design #90 is fantastic! I really like the colouring and layout. Could you Please have a look at the design from @nong... it uses a lock in place of where you have a house. I think this is a much better symbol as it works for boy family customers and business customers of mine.
Could you please amend design #90 to place a lock in the middle of the zero?
If you would be so kind, could you also duplicate the logo, however replace the text 'Home' with 'Commercial' and have it in a nice orange colour. Not too bright. Same orange as Fanta (
If you manage to do it, your logo will go straight to #1 ranking.
Hi, Thanks for feedback and suggestions. Unfortunately I can't use other designers concept (lock in zero), its protectable because he was first with this combination, just like mine concept with "house in zero". I hope You understand. Anyway will upload new entry with orange "commercial".
I understand that the lock wasn't your idea, just frustrating that I prefer your text and sizing and colouring!
How about we try it another way... I really like the door and it is certainly in contention. How about in place of the door, you put a key? I think it could work quite well. Just need to be careful to keep the zero look like a zero.
I understand that the lock wasn't your idea, just frustrating that I prefer your text and sizing and colouring!
How about we try it another way... I really like the door and it is certainly in contention. How about in place of the door, you put a key? I think it could work quite well. Just need to be careful to keep the zero look like a zero.
Thanks for that mate - I think you'll agree with me... the key doesn't look that good. A little bit weak. Thanks for the submission though.
I really happy with everything else in your logo. Just so I can try one last thing, could you just take the 4 squares that represent windows out of your design #88 #90 and #117. Potentially it will look a little cleaner without the windows.
thanks again for your quick turn around! Really appreciate it.
Thanks so much for the new entries. Really loving where we are heading with these. Its very clear to me that you are producing the best of the lot!
Just so I can see the difference, could you please produce one with the word 'Forty' all in capitals. I think the F should still be bigger in size than the other letters. Perhaps play around and see what you think is best.
Additionally, could you try using less bold in the font. Something a little less bulky and slicker.
My tournament has gone to inactive, however I'm still super keen to see your take on the above comment. If you could just put something together so I can see the difference, that would be great.
Love your work on logo #206! I really really like the font that you used. I have two more options for you to explore....
1. Use the same font, however in lowercase for letters 'orty' and uppercase 'F' on design #90. I think that having the word Forty in the thinner font allows it to stand out a little more and looks a littler cleaner and a slick brand. I really like it.
2. Again using #206, consider extending the bottom of the Y and right aligning the word Finance / Home / Commercial and see how that looks. I really like in design #90 how the bottom of the Y joins in and links to the business name of finance/home/commercial
I really appreciate all your hard work mate - seriously impressed.
Very simple one. Using design #206, leave everything as is and just right align the word Finance. Its a really clean logo and it it seriously growing on me.
Really appreciate the new designs. I have quite a few that I like, so finding it hard to rank them! Guess thats a good problem.
Design #218 is my current favourite. I will get the opinion of a few people, and see what their thoughts are. I like #213 also. I think capital letters is the way to go. It looks cleaner.
Thanks for all your work. I will decide which one I like the most and kindly ask you to put forward the designs with the blue 'home' and orange 'commercial'. I will need to see all as black on white and white on black.
Great news! Your design #218 is the winner! Thank you so much for all your hard work. I really appreciate and LOVE what you have been able to come up with. I hope I can leave feedback somewhere - I would be more than happy to.
I will need the designs in full AI version compatible with Adobe CS/2; Grayscale version in EPS; CMYK version in EPS; RGB version in EPS; High resolution, CMYK version in JPG; High resolution RGB version in JPG.
1. Logo as shown in #218 2. Logo as white writing on black 3. Logo black writing on white with 'Home' in blue 4. Logo white writing on black with 'Home' in blue 5. Logo black writing on white with 'Commercial' in Orange 6. Logo white writing on black with 'Commercial' in Orange