Hi, here are my initial entries to your contest. I wanted to try to represent graphically the concept of 360 (degrees) in the wordmark, which explains my zero in 360. At the same time, I wanted to represent landscape design, so my fourth entry discards the zero treatment to place the 360 into a landscape rendering. The basic idea is that the 360 is reversed out of a landscape design, with trees inside the 6 and 0, and a lawn meeting up on the bottom, and a patio area on top. There's a lot we could do with this concept, and I'm happy to keep working on it. This one is a bit more complicated, but if you like the idea, with feedback, I'm sure we can perfect it. Thanks so much for your consideration. I may have more ideas to throw at you, as I find your contest inspiring!
Thanks for the designs and the blurb. I'm liking #6. You're obviously familiar with Landscape design plans.
I'm not sure where to take it next, without getting too complex. But I did wonder if we can get some sort of 3d feel in the top or bottom (similar to the pond). My concern is that it will get to busy and then it'll fall apart.
Hi, so yeah... challenging. I'm throwing a few variations out here for you -- some more complex, others simpler. I think one thing to look for in a logo is one that can communicate in one color, so I'm presenting that here. I've also tried adding some of the depth you were looking for, but there's no way around it getting more complex with the way I'm doing that. Let me know if any of this is working for you, or not. I'm happy to keep working on this and other ideas. Thanks!
Thanks for the revised designs. The newer one's are looking too busy, so we're back to #6. We've had a chat about this one and we're wondering what it would look like with just the "Design Group" words underneath (i.e. remove 360 & LTD).
We consider that we need to keep in mind how the full color logo looks when photocopied (i.e. grayscale), and we think #6 does all right there.
Thanks for the hard work. Feel free to present something new if you want.
Hi! Thanks for the feedback! I've created a version of the design of mine you like best with the revision you requested. I also went back and tried a slightly different approach to creating depth -- I used a different treatment on the trees, which I think balances out the depth without complicating the design too much. I also increased the size of the tiles in the top portion -- fewer tiles is simpler, but still makes the point. I also tried a slightly different wordmark for "Design Group". And I selected a slightly warmer gray, along with slight variations in the other colors as well. I thought I'd point out that the new version is done with only 3 pantone colors, whereas the earlier designs included 4 colors (two shades of green). I'd love to hear what you think. I hope I've improved the design! But if there are parts that you like from each version, I'm happy to combine them! Thanks!
Thanks for the revised designs - We're liking the original colours at this stage. After seeing design #46 we're wondering if the extra width of the text in #6 is a good thing because it stops the block from falling sideways - like a plinth.
So, we're wondering if you could place the text "design group" at the width of the text in #6.
Hi, thanks for more feedback! I've made a new version to your exact specs, but I also did another one with slightly smaller text because I was concerned you might think it a little too large. Please do not hesitate to ask you need more changes! Thanks!
Thanks for your designs. We had a meeting yesterday and your design concept is one of the favorites. We do have some feedback for you, and we're hoping that will generate tweaks to the design...
Your design is the one that is more recognisable to us as being connected to our business, and so to us it has instant appeal. However over time the appeal softens, and we wonder if it would be better being a little more abstract.
Another concern is that it's not dynamic enough. A related comment is that it's too square.
Most people seem to view the grid as paving stones, but some see it as representing an urban grid. We would prefer to emphasize the urban grid concept.
However, we do think it's got great potential as we can pull various elements from the design to use elsewhere within stationery and brochures
In terms of specific things we thought you might try to address these concerns: - add a row of squares or a thick green line below the text to integrate the text "design group" into the block, (also making it more rectangular). - or extend the green under and below the text (once again to integrate the text and make it more rectangular) - try different font faces and differing weights for the words themselves ("design group"). We wonder if a chunkier font in lower case, using different colours to accentuate the design over the group. (You can see this type of thing in a variety of other designs (numbers 43 93 88 86 62 121-123)). - add a bit of irregularity to the grid, perhaps to infer a roading heirarchy, or even just a few more lines through some squares to indicate alleyways or property boundaries.
Hi! Thanks for the wonderful feedback -- it should definitely help me refine my design. I didn't have a ton of time to spend on this tonight, and I've only just started experimenting with revisions, but I wanted to get this out there in case you have time to give some preliminary thoughts on the direction this is heading. I will have a lot more time tomorrow and the following days because it's the weekend, and I really want to nail this for you. Thanks so much!