Messy MakersLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Messy Makers
Messy Makers has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 249 designs
from 41 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
Art studio for kids with classes that focus on process art, or art that emphasizes the making and the doing rather than the product. Classes are for toddler, preschool and pre-K artists. Audience is parents of children ages 1-5 (toddler, preschool and pre-K).
Color Preferences
teal, red (I like this color: #FA6464/ R 250 G 100 B 100), and pink. I don't have to have all of these colors but this is my palatte. It can be monochromatic too. I want it to look lively, child-like, mobile and organic. My website is You can take a look at the kind of work the kids do in the class in the video on the "Messy Makers" page: By the way, I will be changing the name of the site to Messy Makers instead of art with amy.
I would also like the designers to make sure that the logo does not look like blood. Sometimes with red splatters, red hands or dripping red hands it can look a little morbid so that's something I'd look out for.
I would also like the designers to make sure that the logo does not look like blood. Sometimes with red splatters, red hands or dripping red hands it can look a little morbid so that's something I'd look out for.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
-Paint splash/splatter
-Maybe you could do something with the letters "MM"
-Ideally I'd like it to have some movement to it.
I do have one other idea of having two upper case M's, one bigger and one smaller in front and at the foot of the big M, like a parent M and a child M. Because in most of my Messy Makers classes I have kids with their parents in the class. I'm thinking of the book "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom". And the M's have blobby splotches paint on them. I would like it if he M's have some kind of an animated quality to them.
-Maybe you could do something with the letters "MM"
-Ideally I'd like it to have some movement to it.
I do have one other idea of having two upper case M's, one bigger and one smaller in front and at the foot of the big M, like a parent M and a child M. Because in most of my Messy Makers classes I have kids with their parents in the class. I'm thinking of the book "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom". And the M's have blobby splotches paint on them. I would like it if he M's have some kind of an animated quality to them.
Style Inspiration