teal, red (I like this color: #FA6464/ R 250 G 100 B 100), and pink. I don't have to have all of these colors but this is my palatte. It can be monochromatic too. I want it to look lively, child-like, mobile and organic. My website is www.artwithamyalameda.com. You can take a look at the kind of work the kids do in the class in the video on the "Messy Makers" page:
https://artwithamyalameda.com/messy-makers-2/. By the way, I will be changing the name of the site to Messy Makers instead of art with amy.
I would also like the designers to make sure that the logo does not look like blood. Sometimes with red splatters, red hands or dripping red hands it can look a little morbid so that's something I'd look out for.