Hi, I am leaning toward #244. The word "messy" staggered with the line underneath looks better, while the word "maker" is neatly arranged. as a whole the logo and writing are balanced.
Hi. I am wondering from your designer's perspective, which logo you might prefer. I'm having trouble deciding and I thought maybe you can give me a designer's perspective. Perhaps you have an opinion? One thing I know is that I like the word messy to be in blue. I have put all of the ones that I like in the ranking section.
I like this. I'm wondering how it would look if the letters in the word messy looked a little staggered. Like the "e" is a little higher and the "s" a little lower and so on. And maybe one "s" is a little bigger than the s next to it. But not so severe that you can't read it. Either just the word Messy or both "Messy" and "Maker". And I'd be interested to see what it looks like if the word "Messy" had every other letter red and every other color blue.
I just want to let you know that I love this logo. The only issue that I have with it is it doesn't communicate "messyness" enough. I wasn't into the last entries you posted with the small blobs of paint on the words but if there's anything you can do, anything you can think of to get it closer to messy I'd love to see it. I'd like to make this work.
Hmmm. Cool thank you! I'd like to go back to the drip that you originally had on the left side instead of the splatter. I'm not into the finger painting lines that you put in although it is a cool idea. I'm thinking about going back to the original font and I imagine a few blobby splotches of paint on the words. As if some paint dripped onto the words.
Thank you. This is great, although I think the original drip might work better. I wonder if you can make it look like some blobs of paint is on the letters and kind of dripping off. I need a little more mess.
Just to emphasize, I really like this logo. I just wonder if you can do something to make it a little messier. The kids in this class are toddlers thru 5 yrs old and we do finger painting, splatter painting and other messy stuff. The emphasis on the class is process art, which is about the process not the product. Maybe the splatter dot that I mentioned earlier or if you have another idea to make it "messier"?
Great thank you. I like it. I have a thought about this logo that may or may not work BUT would you be able to turn the drip into an asymmetrical splatter so it has just a little touch of organic messiness?
I like the graphic but don't like the font. Also they don't look like they fit together. I would like a more muted red like this color: #FA6464 (R 250 G 100 B 100).
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