Sweet entry! I can not rank it from the iPhone but plan to go home at lunch and will do so. Couple of things, I believe the dry fly you used is a royal coachman. It is a popular fly but not one that I use alot. Could you find maybe and extended body light Cahill or Hendrickson or some sort of PMD pattern for the top fly? Also, do you think the text stands out enough? Would it stand out more on the blue background if the white part of the outline was a touch broader/wider?
If you do a search for an extended body pmd on google you will see what I mean. I would like to see this design with the extended body pmd and with text that stands our more, maybe make the flies stand out more as well. My wife did not even notice the bottom fly.
On the extended body pmd, I would not want a parachute pattern on the logo. Parachute pattern is a white tuft of fur that stick straight up, it is basically a strike indicator. I would want a pattern that looks as realistic as possible while still being able to tell that it is a fly.
Let me make the corrections tonight and will post asap. Do remember this is at a low resolution so the actual logo is a bit stronger than this example. Thanks!
Something needs to be done with this to make the text and the flies stand out. i have reached out to a broader group and no one likes this one. perhaps it is because they dont see the potential. What would happen if the background color was change so make the flies and the text pop more? i like the Flies text in the fly line cursive but we probably need to look at a version that does that and a version that maybe just uses the l in flies or just a letter in flies as the line.
I really like this design and am not sure there is not a place for it. My email address is scott@fliesyoutrust.com. Contact me for possible future use.