Décalage MediasLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Décalage Medias

Décalage Medias has selected their winning logo design.

For $280 they received 303 designs from 25 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

DM and www.decalagemedias.fr (need to appear on the logo)
What We Do
Décalage Medias (DM) is a multimedia agency based in France and working with French federations, clubs and other sport organizations in order to help them develop their online presence (websites, newsletters, webTV...).
Color Preferences
We would like the logo to be in gray scale in order to reuse it with different colors and supports in the future.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
French accents cannot be used in URLs so we need both "Décalage Medias" and "www.decalagemedias.fr" in our logo. We can't use "www.décalagemédias.fr".

We would also like to see the "DM" letters somewhere in the logo. They correspond to the short name used for Décalage Medias.


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Entry Number

















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Hi everybody.

Thanks a lot for all your proposals on the Décalage Medias logo. We're looking forward to work with you and will try to put as many comments as possible.

And to start with these comments, please note that we are looking for a logo using the Décalage Medias, DM and www.decalagemedias.fr as elements.

15 years ago
Now regarding the first proposals, here comes a few comments:

#1 - I like the concept of the big D with the name of the agency below. I'd rather have a proposal with DM though and maybe the name of the website below the name of the agency. But it's definitely going in the right direction!

#2 - I like the idea of using a different icons to highlight our services and products (newsletters, webTV, DVDs, books...) but I'm not really a fan of the swiss army knife design.

#3 - Same comment here. I'm not sure about the swiss army knife design.
15 years ago
Great to see some new designs this morning! And great to see that you guys are putting effort into creating something new and original with the elements given earlier.

#4 - In this logo for instance, I really like the icon with the DM inside. It can be used on it's on, with the name of the website underneath (like in this exemple), or even with the name of the website on the side. Not sure about the shadow though. It might be hard to print on T-shirts and other things.

#5 - In this one I like the idea of the four squares but I don't see how we could add the name of our company. "DM" and "www.decalagemedias.fr" is not enough. We also need to see the name "Décalage Médias".

#6 and #7 - These two logos are definitely going in the right direction but I find it hard to read the "DM" so that's why I put it in the "not interested list".
15 years ago
By the way, French accents cannot be used for URLs so we need both "Décalage Medias" and "www.decalagemedias.fr" in our logo. We can't use "www.décalagemédias.fr".
15 years ago
Once again I am delighted to see so many new logos. I'm glad to see so many designers working on this contest and I hope that many more will join in the next couple of days.

#18, #19, #20, #21 and #22 - So far these logos are my favourites. They include all the elements that we need for our logo. They have a great Web2.0 feel. They can be used vertically or horizontally and are available on white or black background. Great job! My only concern is that it is not that easy to see the "DM" letters.

#15 - This logo is also a pretty good one. I like the work on the name of the company and the website. It's pretty neat although I would prefer to have the name of the company capitalized. I also like the work on the "DM" circles with the waves. It makes the logo quite dynamic.

#9 - This logo is a good evolution of #5. It now includes all the necessary elements but I would rather have the word "Décalage Médias" capitalized.

#10 - This logo is a good evolution of #4 and #11. It now includes all the necessary elements but I would rather like to see the horizontal version of it and with the word "Décalage Médias" capitalized.

#8, #16 and #17 - These logos are also interested but they're not yet satisfactory. The original idea is good but I think that they are a little too simple. They are missing some elements and need a little more work to give a better Web2.0 feel. Like #8 became #15 for instance.

#12, #13 and #14 - These logos are missing the letter "M" so right now I don't think that they can be used for our company as its short name is "DM".
15 years ago
Great to see so many logos!

They're looking more and more interesting and I'm confident that we will get one that really reflect the image and message of Décalage Médias. We're definitely on the good track here.

We're probably going to need a little more time though. So we have decided to extend the length of the contest. That way we will have more time to comment on the latest designs and give you the opportunity to refine them.

Thanks again for the hard work!
15 years ago
Three days left before the end of this contest!

And thanks to all your efforts and proposals we are starting to have a much better idea of what we would like to see for the Décalage Médias logos:

- The letters of the "DM" icon must be uppercase and should be clear enough to read the two letters "D" and "M" (and not "O" and "M"). The best exemple for this is #48.

- The "Décalage Medias" text should be uppercase or capitalized, should be using the same font and should be spaced out. The best exemple for this is #33.

- The "www.decalagesmedias.fr" text could be using a different color and could be separated by a line. The best exemple for this is #33.

- The logo should be available in two versions: an horizontal version for the website and a square version to be printed on t-shirts. The best exemples for this are #41 and #22.

- The logo should be available in two versions: a gray scale version for the website and a black and white version to be printed on t-shirts.

I hope that these comments will help you to improve your designs or to provide new ones that would fit our requirements for this logo. Good luck!
15 years ago
Dear all.

Thanks a lot for all your efforts and great designs!

We've been amazed by the number and the quality of the entries. The choice of the winner will be pretty hard but we're confident that the chosen logo will help us develop Décalage Medias in the future.

This choice might take a few days though and we hope that you will forgive us but the last day of the contest has been amazing and we have a lot of new entries to discuss with the committee.

We'll keep you posted though.

Kind Regards.

Décalage Medias
15 years ago
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