1 2 3 Dollar StoresLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / 1 2 3 Dollar Stores

1 2 3 Dollar Stores has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 194 designs from 18 different designers from around the world.
































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Logo Designer
Hi heres my entry for your contest i think the 123 circles work nice like this any feed back is welcome dave here

(This comment references Entry #3)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi heres my entry for your contest i think the 123 circles work nice like this any feed back is welcome dave here

(This comment references Entry #4)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
diff. type face

(This comment references Entry #5)
15 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #7)
15 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #8)
15 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #9)
15 years ago
Hi Dave, this is definitely on the right track. The key is that the dots have to pop. I wouldn't mind them being larger in proportion to "dollar". I had pictured the dots having space between them but I actually like the way you attached them. I'm going to speak to my sign guy to see about costs. I'd have to say my favorites so far are 5,6 and 7 because of the type face on dollar. I like 123 in #8, I don't know if it's different or a little bigger and therefore looking stronger.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
some $ signs looks also

(This comment references Entry #12)
15 years ago
#13 is looking good. I'm going back and forth on the dollar sign. Sometimes I worry it's redundant sometimes it seems to give it balance and make the concept a bit easier to understand.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the ranking heres the logo with bigger dots and yes I think they work better together ...Dave

(This comment references Entry #19)
15 years ago
I like the strength and brightness of the colors but I'd like to experiment if possible. Could you copy the green from Dollar Tree's logo and the blue from Chase? The thicker "Dollar" from 19 looks great especially with the larger dots.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
as per your request green from Dollar Tree's logo and the blue from Chase....

(This comment references Entry #39)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
as per your request green from Dollar Tree's logo and the blue from Chase....

(This comment references Entry #40)
14 years ago
I've had to make some changes in my requirements. First, It became apparent to me that my desire to make a logo that could split between two signs was too difficult and risked confusing customers and also was probably limiting the designers' creative options.So I've decided to just ask for the best logo possible for one side. What I'll probably end up doing is putting it on the large sign on the left and then repeating the dot part of the logo on the right side. This will give you the freedom to play the layout of the dots and wording instead of restricting you to a long, narrow logo. Also, I was looking at some of your designs, which I think are great, and it suddenly occurred to me that we are dealing with back-lit signs. I love the strength of the black "DOLLAR" but it doesn't make sense to use only black on a lighted sign.I've changed the instructions on my main page accordingly if you care to look at it. Thanks for your great work so far! Roy
14 years ago
Logo Designer
wow the dots cant be together that sucks they look good like that I dont understand if that is how your logo is whats it to the landlord to tell you ,you cant have your logo how you want it, I used to make signs when I was in college I think if the dots are all together one whole piece of panted plastic your landlord should be cool with that let me know I will up load should different stuff for now thanks for feed back...Dave
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok if you cant have dots together heres some looks with dots apart...

(This comment references Entry #48)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
could be cool to have the dot turn off centered :)

(This comment references Entry #51)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
This is a way to have the dots look together but no,t so the dots would be seperated on sign be look together...

(This comment references Entry #55)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
also I can give you if this design wins boths ways like this for the sign and all together for print,tees and mugs...

(This comment references Entry #57)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
This pops real nice also :)

(This comment references Entry #62)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
This pops real nice also :)

(This comment references Entry #63)
14 years ago
I love the way you got around separating the dots. It's a cool look. I wasn't crazy about the crooked numbers but I like the way you did DOLLAR with the lines on top and bottom. Could you play around with #63 in terms of dot size, putting them over DOLLAR instead of next to it and different color combos for DOLLAR Stores and the lines? Thanks.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
some diff. looks as per your request and I made the dots bigger

(This comment references Entry #114)
14 years ago
Okay, we're looking good. Can you make sure I have the vertical and horizontal version in each color combination for dollar stores and the stripes? Also, for the helluvit, can we see some with the S in Stores being a $? I'm liking the larger dots too. It's all about the dots!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi here you go I think dollar looks better not leaning to the right ,

(This comment references Entry #135)
14 years ago
I'm actually torn. I think when it's vertical with the dots over dollar store I like the dollar straight up. But when it's the long horizontal version I like the dollar leaning. It seems to give it some movement and grace. I think that's also why I sort of like #61. The reality is I will need both. The vertical for the outdoor sign and the horizontal for some indoor display. For instance, if you've been in a Dollar Tree, they have a strip around the top of the wall inside that says Dollar Tree Everything's a Dollar Dollar Tree Everything's a Dollar, and so on. They also do it on the front edge of the shelves. That's why I want the long, narrow version too. I plan to have my long logo followed by a legend explaining the dot pricing concept red = 1 green = 2 blue =3, etc. So anyway, I think I'm pretty much settled on Dollar in green like in #139 but I'd like to see it in red stripes and blue stripes. Also #61 with the dots brought together in the overlapping thing. Maybe with different color combos although I seem to like that with the red dollar, I think it's the way it balances with the red 1, or something like that. So now how does this work? If we go with this can you give me files for the few different versions I need? Also, I know I get an EPS file but my printer was wondering if there is also a high resolution PDF, although he says he could survive without it.
14 years ago
By the way, on a different note, I've noticed lots of copying going on. I guess some designers see what I'm favoring and then jump in with similar designs. Some of them so similar as to be obnoxious. When I signed on they said to expect a rush of submissions in the last two days. I'm seeing some but most of that is just an acceleration of the copycats. Does that drive you crazy? Do they have some rules for policing that? Sometimes I feel dirty just looking at them.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I know I see that, yes we have a logo court we can go to but I always try to message the designer first I was the first to have the dots together so I can protect that. I can messages them to remove or go to court, there's a 24
Hour wait to vote. You have some copy cat designers that try to sneak. And copy you at end of contest while you sleep. Thanks for seeing this some ch's don't care. You have been really good with great feed back.
and yes how its works if I win, I will send you though logo tournament the first place logo 1 eps and 1 jpeg then my email I can send you anything else you need in any format you need. So yes you can get logo in any layout or format you need: )
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank for all the fed back this have been a great contest with all the feed back ,heres the design changes you request send anymore that you need thanks

(This comment references Entry #166)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Also let me know if you want a 3d look i didnt do 3d because you said you need this for a sign ,so let me know.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Its funny that at the end most designers dont read your brief where you said you need each letter to be separate and they just shoot all these designs (some look nice ) but cant work for what you ask for. Ever if I dont win Thanks for the great feed back us designers eat that up :)
14 years ago
Yeah, it's been driving me crazy. My needs were very specific not just as a matter of taste but because it relates to my whole marketing concept as well as my lease requirements. So anyway, I think the only one I'm missing now that could could be right is #117 with green dollar, red stripes and blue store. And yes, I'll probably need a few for different kinds of store displays, etc. That #2 with the feel of motion keeps calling to me too.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi here you go,at end of contest if my design is pick i can give you your logo with motion and with out motion to used and different places :) Dave

(This comment references Entry #194)
14 years ago
Great, thanks.
14 years ago
I think I've lost my mind. We just agreed that the winner is the vertical one with green dollar, red stripes and blue stores and I can't for the life of me find it. Did we do that? Basically #194 with the dots on top.
14 years ago
Congratulations and thanks so much for a great (and patient) Job. I made first place the one that is closest to the version I can't find. It should really be that shape with the#194 colors. I've got to say, it was really enjoyable for a guy who can't draw stick figures to work with such talented people
14 years ago
Is it possible for you to send the file with green dollar, red stripes and blue stores? Also, #169 with the racing look. Do I approve before or after? Do you give me a way to contact you directly?
14 years ago
Also, I can open the three smaller files but not the larger EPS file. Is that because I don't have the proper program but the professionals who will work with it will?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
yes I will send you a pdf
14 years ago
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