Tigereye-eng Client United States A start up company from Columbia, MO (University of Missouri-Columbia) offering machine-learning based software for pavement condition evaluation and visualization Joined August 2021 ContestContests Logos Status Prize * Tiger Eye Engineering We provide high-tech, machine-learning software for asset management, primarily pavement evaluation. Target audience is two-fold: (1) smaller road owners, like cities, who need to keep track of the condition of their roads and airports, but who get overwhelmed with data and the cost of traditional pavement evaluation services provided by consultants (2) Consultants, who provide traditional pavement evaluation services, such as on-site (walking) inspections, but who would benefit from our smart pavement monitoring software (uses deep machine learning) 255 Logos Complete Status $275 Prize Tiger Eye Engineering We provide high-tech, machine-learning software for asset management, primarily pavement evaluation. Target audience is two-fold: (1) smaller road owners, like cities, who need to keep track of the condition of their roads and airports, but who get overwhelmed with data and the cost of traditional pavement evaluation services provided by consultants (2) Consultants, who provide traditional pavement evaluation services, such as on-site (walking) inspections, but who would benefit from our smart pavement monitoring software (uses deep machine learning) 255 Complete $275 * The Prize Package includes the Designer prize and all LogoTournament fees.