Siam Society Sauces
We make and distribute Thai Specialty Sauces. Other info: We loved our current/old logo, but it may infringe on a subsidiary business which has been sold to an outside investor. We would like to have something in a similar fashion, but significantly different so that we are not infringing on our old business. The official name of the new company will be Siam Society Sauces or Cy'am Society Sauces. The font we used in the old logo was univrs.
We'd like to see samples of a red background and black font and logo. Just a thought. No need to keep the abstract flame.
If inspiration strikes, don't lock yourself into what we had in the past. We may also want to include the thai lettering (?????????) under the company name Siam Society Sauces. Perhaps use the Thai script as a slogan.