
United States
Joined March 2019
Prize *
Growth in Connection
Growth in Connection (GIC) is a national non-profit think and action tank whose mission is to foster authentic connection, particularly across difference—in the home, the workplace, and the community. Our work is about reframing the definition of success—not as how autonomous and independent we are, but rather, as how connected and interdependent. Humans are hard-wired to connect and yearn to grow in connection to one another. Hence, our name. We aspire to help shift the conversation away from an individualistic "up-from-bootstraps" mentality that creates loneliness and isolation, toward a more collective and relational way of being in the world. We aspire to do so by strategically reaching out to the public, the media, policymakers, and thought leaders. We also support the burgeoning number of scholars and practitioners around the world who embrace this approach to improving individual, familial, and societal health and well-being.
Growth in Connection
Growth in Connection (GIC) is a national non-profit think and action tank whose mission is to foster authentic connection, particularly across difference—in the home, the workplace, and the community. Our work is about reframing the definition of success—not as how autonomous and independent we are, but rather, as how connected and interdependent. Humans are hard-wired to connect and yearn to grow in connection to one another. Hence, our name. We aspire to help shift the conversation away from an individualistic "up-from-bootstraps" mentality that creates loneliness and isolation, toward a more collective and relational way of being in the world. We aspire to do so by strategically reaching out to the public, the media, policymakers, and thought leaders. We also support the burgeoning number of scholars and practitioners around the world who embrace this approach to improving individual, familial, and societal health and well-being.
* The Prize Package includes the Designer prize and all LogoTournament fees.
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