
The good news today is...

Logo Designer
The good news today is Benicio learned how to ride his bike with only one training wheel. He´s 2 years old and 5 months.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
glendon said:
The good news today.
My son finally walked after a long list of set backs the poor little guy had.
He walked 6 months before the doctors and therapists were expecting him to...
and the first thing he walked to was his daddy;)
Now I just need to teach him to run and tackle!!!

Oh!! so happy for you G!!!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
glendon said:
The good news today.
My son finally walked after a long list of set backs the poor little guy had.
He walked 6 months before the doctors and therapists were expecting him to...
and the first thing he walked to was his daddy;)
Now I just need to teach him to run and tackle!!!

That is great news!!!! Wow. Just so you know...once he starts running...he'll be running straight for the girls in no time.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
glendon said:
The good news today.
My son finally walked after a long list of set backs the poor little guy had.
He walked 6 months before the doctors and therapists were expecting him to...
and the first thing he walked to was his daddy;)
Now I just need to teach him to run and tackle!!!

What a great news!! Congratulations!! and thank you for sharing this with us
15 years ago
Logo Designer
The good news today ...
My gold cup #7

but once again

glendon, happy for you little moonwalker ;)
ThaiaD, big clap for your little Benicio ;)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
good news today ......
I lost in the LC, but I remain in the first rank for 10 days.
thanks to your reply've added my violation points. hahahaha .... just kidding, do not enter the heart of.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Good news is I get to drink a nice cup of freshly ground home-made cappuchino, right
Yea, go get yours :)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
coffee = joy :) We speak the same language.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
The good news today ... My gold cup #8
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Congrats LG, movin right along ;)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
CJ said:
Congrats LG, movin right along ;)

thanks CJ ... i am trying to do bettere every day ... is hard but i love this challenge
15 years ago
Logo Designer
LGDesign said:
The good news today ... My gold cup #8

...more gold for your Gibson Flying ;o)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
satto said:
LGDesign said:
The good news today ... My gold cup #8

...more gold for your Gibson Flying ;o)

i think that will remain a dream for me ;) .... dunno
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Good news...

I just was invited to join this little website!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I heard from my brother helping in Haiti last night. He is tired but safe. I can breath now.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Oh good Flatworld, I hope lots of people get that good news today too.

My good news, my foster daughter is getting adopted! Yeah for her!!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
The good news today ... My gold cup #9 ... :D
15 years ago
Logo Designer
LGDesign said:
The good news today ... My gold cup #9 ... :D

That's not true;) You just won 10th contest - CONGRATZ!!!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Signal said:
LGDesign said:
The good news today ... My gold cup #9 ... :D

That's not true;) You just won 10th contest - CONGRATZ!!!

hehehe thanks signal ;) in fact the good news today ... My gold cup #10 ... :D
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Now i have the same gold cups when i start here on LT ;)
Lets start to win again from 0 to 10 (my #20).
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Good News I had a whole thread dedicated too me woohoo
15 years ago
Logo Designer
good news today is, the kids will go back to school tomorrow....wooohooooooo:-)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
glendon said:
The good news today.
My son finally walked after a long list of set backs the poor little guy had.
He walked 6 months before the doctors and therapists were expecting him to...
and the first thing he walked to was his daddy;)
Now I just need to teach him to run and tackle!!!

awesome:-)he'll be running in no time;-)
15 years ago
LogoTournament Staff
My 3 month old can go from crying to smiling in 0.05 seconds.

LT hit a record yesterday with 30 customers in one day.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Please, gimme one or two (customer, not kid! ;o)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Tyler said:
My 3 month old can go from crying to smiling in 0.05 seconds.

LT hit a record yesterday with 30 customers in one day.

Good to know ... too much work for us a lot of golds for someone ;)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
...feed my chickens
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Finally took the Christmas tree down (and cleaned up all the pine needles) :)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
RetroMetro_Steve said:
Finally took the Christmas tree down (and cleaned up all the pine needles) :)

beat you:-) took my mine down yesterday:)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
my christmas coconut palm is still alive!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I had one of those for years - a plastic palm tree with Christmas bobbles on it, and the cutest little monkey too.:)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
My good news for today is that my wife successfully made it through surgery.
It was the longest 3 hours of my life
I'll tell you..any small argument you've ever had with your spouse, any stupid disagreement you've ever had ..all of that stuff becomes so insignificant and foolish when you are holding their hand waiting for them to wake up after surgery. The sense of relief, and realizing just how much the person you love means to you in that moment is almost overwhelming.
Make sure you tell the person you love how much you do :-)

Take care,
15 years ago
Logo Designer
No kidding - know how you feel :) Happy for you and your family.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
TNSGraphics said:
Make sure you tell the person you love how much you do :-)

every second of your life even you need to work hard .... you know what i mean ...
15 years ago
Logo Designer
TNSGraphics said:
My good news for today is that my wife successfully made it through surgery.
It was the longest 3 hours of my life
I'll tell you..any small argument you've ever had with your spouse, any stupid disagreement you've ever had ..all of that stuff becomes so insignificant and foolish when you are holding their hand waiting for them to wake up after surgery. The sense of relief, and realizing just how much the person you love means to you in that moment is almost overwhelming.
Make sure you tell the person you love how much you do :-)

Take care,

good to know that you wife is on the right way ... whis you all the best ...
15 years ago
Logo Designer
TNSGraphics, I'm very happy that everything went good! Hug for you and your wife!
Sometimes we do not appreciate what we have, because always thinking of what we don't have.
We always MUST be grateful for the present moment, and cherish it, because the past is
a history, the future is a misery, but the present is a gift, that why we call it PRESENT :) Take care!

And the good news today is, that there are so many good news here, to cheer all us up!
Thank you all for sharing the GOOD here!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Great news TNS!

And Angelina is right - be in the moment and remember to cherish those things and people who are in it with you - I try to every day:)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
The good news today is...
Tahia love sheeps.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
The good news today is...

Daz said:
But, i will no longer participate in the forums of LT at all.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
hmm... interesting...
15 years ago
Logo Designer
there's a ghost of a grilled lobster in my plate... hmmm.
(i wish you were here, Denir ;o)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
The good news today ... My gold cup #11 ... :D
15 years ago
Logo Designer
The good news today is...that most people who participate in this thread choose to keep it positive, and kind.
Peace..... :)

Congrats on your 11th Gold, LG!!!!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
peachdz9 said:
The good news today is...that most people who participate in this thread choose to keep it positive, and kind.
Peace..... :)

Congrats on your 11th Gold, LG!!!!

thanks "p" and i agree with you ... a lot of positive here ;)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Remember to stop and smell the roses at least once every day,
to be grateful you have people that love you and a roof over your head.

Namaste to all
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Fatkid offered to buy me a couple beers if I can scrape up enough money for a plane ticket to Germany:)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
RetroMetro_Steve said:
Fatkid offered to buy me a couple beers if I can scrape up enough money for a plane ticket to Germany:)

That goes for anyone who wants to visit me.

Good news today is I made it back to page 2 and got my 17th gold!
15 years ago
Logo Designer

gold cup #12
silver cup #18

see you ;)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
New Orleans Saints' FIRST EVER SUPERBOWL WIN!!!!!! You guys should have seen the city streets tonight -- not just the French Quarter that they'll show on TV, but the rest of the city -- with people shouting and jumping on their porches and cars honking horns. As I drove out of the city and headed home tonight there were people in the streets, some just waving flags and shouting, some with trumpets and saxophones playing music and starting their own little parades, and we all rolled down our windows and honked and cheered as we drove by. It's one big city full of joy and love tonight. I don't even really like football, but this was something special.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
my gold cup #13 with a big prize ;) the first time for me ... that's great ;)
15 years ago
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