
The good news today is...

Logo Designer
I decided to open a threat to power us up with positive thoughts and energy.
The "good news" may be everything! What good happened to you today?
Share your experience with us, so we could smile and feel good together!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
What a great idea for a thread Magnita! Good news?
- Woke up another day to design
- Dog did not barf in the house
- Jeans still fit
- Did not get taken to LC
Today rocked! :)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Good news today is.. my #1 rank entries is still on top, hope it will be my good news every days until it's completed lol.
btw.. nice thread Magnita :)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Good news today- I'm still in my Pjs! Lol!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
My 1yr old daughter started walking:)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I'm smiling to remember when my daughter started walking.
Congrats,'s a whole new ballgame now :-)

My good news..found a $10 bill blowing across the parking lot...
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks Tim:)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Yeah de.sign! That's so exciting! Though life gets really busy from now on!! Watch your plants, breakables, pets, stairs, electrical sockets, doorjams, wires, movie cases, anything that has buttons or knobs, money, curtains, keys, toilets, toilet paper, books, hard edges, sharp corners, table clothes, coasters, shoes and keep your floors clean at all times! Lol... ahh the joys of parenting!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thaks:) Yes.. and that means less time for LT;)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
You just have to be strategic about it, I have 5 kids here 3 and under, but they all nap for 2 hours in the afternoon (now!) and they all go to bed at 630 at night! I do all my big designing at night and then do my revisions during the day when I can. I def can't enter as many contests as a lot of designers but I still get my fix!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
15 years ago
Logo Designer
good news today........the sun is out, its going to be a beautiful day:)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Lol, I hear you de.sign!!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
was just kicked out to NI after ages on top...
good news is another webpage design has been approved...
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Good News...woke up this morning got out of bed and head to the window as I normally do, starred outside for a wee bit and to my surprise an eagle soaring overhead. yeah I go to bed geeesh lol hahahaha
15 years ago
Lost my job a little over a year ago and have struggled with getting things going again. GOOD NEWS: Today, I was awarded some design work and so I decided to get on LT and give it a go. Uploading info now, should have my contest ready to go by days end ....... Help me get things "right" all you excellent & exceptional designers out there.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Wow...babies walking...eagles soaring....getting things "right". That is good news!! Thanks for sharing.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Nice thread, though I can't recall any good news for the last few days. Life is crappy for me now.

But a few weeks ago I got back in contact with some old school friends that I lost contact for 12 years! Through Facebook even! I love Facebook :)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Good news for today: 1. I still don't have a baby ;)
2. Last night I went to a hell of a gig of Alice Russell and I don't have to go to work today :)))) Yeyyyy :)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Good news today... I can sleep one more hour cause the hour in Mexico has been change for the winter seazon, so we get back the clock one hour.


15 years ago
Logo Designer
And one good news from me.

I'm 27 years old and two days. Feeling good!

15 years ago
Logo Designer
happy birthday you there...
you old :P
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Late happy birthday wishes!!!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you :)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
4RD !
15 years ago
Logo Designer
de.sign said:
Thaks:) Yes.. and that means less time for LT;)

Yeah...look after your kid man... (and let us win more) ;)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
JR2 said:
4RD !

=== (^ . ^) ===
15 years ago
Logo Designer
get 2 gold today... :)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
my wife and i are expecting our third in the spring! we have 18mo old twin boys already, so let's get this party started!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
exodus said:
my wife and i are expecting our third in the spring! we have 18mo old twin boys already, so let's get this party started!


the other good news today (not nearly as exciting, but still...) we are only 1 day away from a crazy, fun spooky HALLOWEEKEND! party time! LT is already kind of orange and black, so you guys are prepared for the festivities too ;)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
exodus said:
my wife and i are expecting our third in the spring! we have 18mo old twin boys already, so let's get this party started!

Congrats exodus!! 3 is busy, because you run out of hands, but 5 is harder since you can't even team up to have enough hands, so as long as your not expecting triplets, you should be fine!! Good luck!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Today was my first day form my first yoga seminar.
It was amazing! The breathing technique is the best
thing ever. To really feel the energy in your hands
is an experience I will never forget. Just a perfect day.
The same will be and the weekend.,
15 years ago
Logo Designer
The good news today is...I had the best art night out... went to a little old indy theater and watch "Who Does She Think She Is" about women artists. Am totally inspired and my creative fire reignited.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
The good news today is ... i am still alive after my 15th silver cup from a contest where i was firstfor almost all the time ... aaaarrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh
15 years ago
LogoTournament Staff
The good news today is .. our baby daughter is sleeping right now and is much less fussy than yesterday.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Good News... I won my 15th Gold today, WooHoo!!!
Thanks LT!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
doncorvair said:
Good News... I won my 15th Gold today, WooHoo!!!
Thanks LT!

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Congrats doncovair.

The good news today is...the sun actually came out for about 15 minutes today!! :)
Sigh. Seattle.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Same good news here - the sun is shining over my head for more than 15min so far!
And makes my new hairstyle to shine even more! I love it!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Not even one good news for the last 5 days..
15 years ago
Logo Designer
mmm... good news... soon my videogames bussines will be ready to open... :D, but will be a good good news when it is open to public :P
15 years ago
Logo Designer
MAGNITA (mmm) said:
Same good news here - the sun is shining over my head for more than 15min so far!
And makes my new hairstyle to shine even more! I love it!

New shiny hairstyles ARE super good news!!!

And, congrats on your video games biz, Tez!! Can't wait to see it. Not that I would play...but, I would look. :)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
peachdz9 said:

And, congrats on your video games biz, Tez!! Can't wait to see it. Not that I would play...but, I would look. :)

haha thanks Peachy, still not open but coming soon... need more wins :P
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Good news...I'm not to busy with office works, now back to LT
I hope your video game business will be open soon Tez. I love gaming too, but too bad my xbox got 3rrod :P
15 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks peachdz, Denir, Dave and everyone, I think will be a fun business.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
hi, i have a big good news today

Me & my Wife are waiting for a new little baby, the second ...

(hope) We are moving in to nine months of job for a new, different, better life with a new little angel ...
15 years ago
Logo Designer
GO!LO...GO! said:
hi, i have a big good news today

Me & my Wife are waiting for a new little baby, the second ...

(hope) We are moving in to nine months of job for a new, different, better life with a new little angel ...

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Happy Birthday!!!! :)))
Yay.... have a nice day! (no logos... oh well ok a couple :)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
15 years ago
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