
Romanian Designers

Logo Designer
It's only fair...

de unde sunteti? Originari, sau prezent...

eu am fost nascuta in Bucuresti si am venit in Canada cand aveam 8 ani.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
You are from Bucharest yet you have been living in Canada since the age of 8? lol
15 years ago
Logo Designer
lol @ egg
15 years ago
Logo Designer
i'm guessing designation did not like my sense of humor though...
15 years ago
Logo Designer
eu sunt din bucuresti, aici incerc sa fac ceva in freelancing, ceea ce e cam greu :)
ce ziceti, merita sa lucrezi pe logotournament? voi aveti o rata buna de succes?
sunt un newbie pe aici, asa ca intreb si eu...
15 years ago
Logo Designer

Merita cu siguranta sa participi la toate concursurile de pe LT. Sunt multe dezamagiri pe parcaurs de ex cand CH te tine pe #1 pana in ultima zi si te scoate in ultimul moment sau mai e deranjant atunci cand esti copiat (asta se intampla foarte des din pacate). Mai trebuie sa fii foarte atent si sa te uiti de zece ori inainte sa submiti orice lucrare ca sa nu semene cu vreuna deja existenta in concurs... si tot asa. Dar cand se intampla sa castigi uiti de toate astea si continui. :-)

Succes in continuare.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
hey egg... sorry I haven't logged in for a bit... been doing the last-minute print tango with client :)

Yea I was born in Bucharest... and been back quite a bit. Most of my family is in Romania so I consider myself both Romanian and Canadian... For example... during world cup, I'm 100% Romanian.... during hockey playoffs, I'm 100% Canadian :P I never felt any pressure choose between to the two so I don't ever travel down that path.

Aim At Heart, merita! Eu am venit pe site sa ma familiarizez cu Illustrator. Eu, de fapt, in realitate fac designs pt proiecte cu multe pagini, gen catalog (deci de zi cu zi folosesc InDesign si Photoshop). Nu prea ma consider experta cu logos asa ca aici nu vin sa castig, dar mai mult sa invat de la designeri mult mai versati in axa asta de design, ca Florian.

Totusi, ma bucur sa vad ca sunt atatia romani talentati. Am fost in RO in Octombrie anul trecut si vezi niste aratari in marketing/advertising de parca ai zice ca-s facute in Word. Nu stiu daca exista agentii de marketing/advertising in Bucuresti... probabil ca da... dar m-as astepta la niste lucrari mai interesante din partea romanilor. Imi imaginez ca ori nu platesc un designer calumea ori nu platesc un printer calumea... nici nu stiu ce sa cred de industria noastra din RO. As aprecia o parere sau o sugestie despre ce se intampla acolo cu designeri si clienti...
15 years ago
Logo Designer
lol, Elena, step inside now and go do some logos :P ur both here and in canadians ones, make up your mind, too much noise
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I'm waiting on die lines from China while trying to explain to client that die line and key art are two different things... slightly busy... but will get on it as soon as I have a second to breathe...
15 years ago
Logo Designer

I am also Romanian and spent some time in UAE so...

Anyhow..I have been watching you all for the past month and finally decided I should go for it.

Lets say I did my homeworks first to see what I will gain by joining this community.

Proud to be romanian and glad to have met you guys.

Hope we will compete side by side and be friends for years to come :)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
hehe and i thought you speak arabic, well i was working for an advertising agency in dubai media city, lived there for 3 years, loved it back there and missed it, dubai is much fun.

welcome on board ally
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Si eu am plecat la 8 ani, tot din Bucuresti. :)
15 years ago
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