
Thank you lucky kid, josh and dziners4web

We would like to thank Logo Tournament and especially:


The contest was great and each of the designers were very professional and provided lots of help and guidance. This is our second logo contest and we couldn't recommend it enough.
Thank you also for all the other designers who submitted designs and joined our contest.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Just out of curiosity: why would a designer "withdraw" their entry from a contest if they placed 2nd or even as a finalist? Seems odd to me. Wouldn't they want that rank to be a part of their profile? Or, does a 2nd place rank somehow hurt a designer? And HTC, if there is a special reason why designer "Josh" removed his 2nd and 6th place ranking designs, I'd love to know why. If you can't elaborate, I'll understand; just curious.

12 years ago
We are not sure why as the design and concept was a very close second and he was great to work with.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Yeah, that's strange. Oh well! Have a great day. -Jennifer1
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Jennifer, why don't you PM Josh and ask him if you are curious about that. :)
12 years ago
Logo Designer

These questions are best asked in the designer discussion area as only designers and not CHs can answer them. Most often you remove a design so you can reuse it or your trying to protect a concept.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Sounds good, though this was a specific case of the design that was in the CH's contest; thought they'd have some CH-specific insight into why it was withdrawn. It was about this designer, and this contest. Good point for next time, mgal. Thanks!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Anna Art & Design said:
Jennifer, why don't you PM Josh and ask him if you are curious about that. :)

Thanks, Anna! :)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you HTC!
12 years ago
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