Entry 6 - (Lets focus on the Mascot first with no color) 1. Like the concept 2. Need the final logo to be in two types - Right now you are supplying a logo with a lot of detail which is good, but I also need the same final logo to be simplified. Meaning, all the detailed lines need to be removed similar to the frightmall dog. that way we can make a patch. 3. Not sure what ZMT is I think you meant ZMC 4. Pistons are fine as far as detail, however in the simpliar version we need much of the shading and lines removed. 5. Zombie mouth, Right side i like the stiches make then a little more visible 6. Zombie mouth, Left side mouth extends to far to the cheek and also teeth are to perfect. Zombies dont have perfect teeth however i like the clean lines when it scales. maybe change the size and place more black to break of chips of tooth keeping it simple. 7. Zombie head looks to close to a almost dead person to Skeleton. We need to have the zombie look 50% dead right now it is like 90% dead. That said, possible more facial feature on one side may work. Skin look with more wounds. google zombie illustrations and there are a few that you will see that are simple but look somewhat still human. 8. Eyes look good. 9. Color Not sure if the purple works. you may want to add red in the wounds or possible a green. Remember we are going to also may patches with this so it needs to work with stitching which will limit the color and detail, hence two versions. 10. I need the final logo to be both color and black and white. (2) Also need it to be on a White Background and Black Background. (2) Also, Mascot alone and Mascot with words 11. I like the font as we used it on our site. however i am note sure it works. I would like to see the font / words in a circle around the logo. so we can make a patch. 12. I do like the version of the words on the right. just would like to see different placement. 13. the purple does work so dont discount it, just looking for more options 14. maybe the initials can be blooding on the head or the Z M C starting the font words could be red and the rest of the word could be a different color.
Hope this helps,
This is a great start....Again i like the detail but at the end will need both a detail version along with a simplified version
Thank you so much for your rank and feedback, I apologize for my mistake of writing initials, please check my revised version on #20, less detail, new zombie mouth, new shape of head, and new typo. Hope you like it. If there's anything else I can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask.
We like both concept directions you are taking overall.
Concept 1 - no gear piston skeleton guy
Still like concept of piston and personality of the mascot. The font / layout does not work. Check out artist #33 for some overall oval / circle layouts that may work.
Concept 2 w/gear The gear works as a solid logo and we see the ability to strip out the mascot as needed. The font, gear and color works. Regarding the Mascot face. Pistons only work similar to your first concept. meaning they need to be on top of the head similar to a real engine. We like the overall piston concept as if it was a skull and crossbones, however we also like the cleanness of the gear. So options to show could be the following:
A) Pistons with Gear ( right side up / correct to real life) Try to show full piston. B) Pistons with no Gear C) Gear no Pistons
We like the lower left jaw and upper right head as far as rotten. Needs a little more Zombie should be 40-50% human vs. Zombie Teeth are ok, but we need to be less detailed but we like the inconsistency. think of a skyline look.
Zombie up one or both of the ears
The zombie is one denominational and is static to a typical zombie. even though we like the greyness, we need some type of cool factor. In your first concept, the mouth expression snicker that you used represented that coolness and expression that sets the image aside from just a typical pose.
The lines uses are still a little then and light, even though we like the detail / less detail than the first concept, we need primary features to be more pronounced. i.e. the nose shape is good but gets lost.
Blue is out. Green seems to work with some more red blood added to it. or with the skin color add some green and blood spots. Same as purple
Moving forward to simplify our communication lets focus on building off of #20 as our base since we already like the overall look and font.... We can add color after we refine the lines.
Adds: 1. Take the lower jaw of #53 and add it to #20. we like how the face extends over the bottom of the gear 2. Mouth: Three designs we would like to see. (1) Stitch the mouth entirely shut with X stitch no teeth. (2) The mouth open seems to be left justified. balance it out like a mouth in real life and still not fans of the teeth. (3) use to but keep the mouth closed like your original concept and use those teeth. 3. keep eye both clear no detail like #20 4. Lines darker look better thanks 5. Piston on the mouth need to be changed. Options (1) Try muffler tips (2) remove completely again we like the pistons but they need to be correct to a real engine which means they cannot be on the bottom.
Option lets remove the gear and add the original piston like a zombie and cross bones. using the #20 face.
---------- Not forgetting about your original concept
We still also like your original concept if you make him more human zombie and less skeleton. #6.
If you can do this and apply our other feedback to this design we may also be onto something. Really love how the head aligns with the pistons in this design. As an option, what if you take the gear from only and place it around #6. the bottom and top of the piston can slightly go beyond the gear. Then on the left side of the head and inside the gear write Zombie, between head and gear on top write Motorcycle, and same on the right side of the head Club.
Just and idea. Again if we can get these two concepts by design real close i think we have something that really works. at the end we can figure out the correct colors.
Thanks much for the hard work....we are almost there! looking forward to seeing the updates
Lets work off of #69. We like the pistons on the bottom of the jaw as you can clearly see they are pistons. (Nice) We would like to see two versions. 1. with the gear and 2. keep it without the gear Replace head with 1st concept #63 into this design design #69 The Sewn shut mouth works great. Instead of a frown, create a smile or smirk. (personality should be he has a sinister feeling and is happy about it! Final version should use both font from #73 and #69 Behind the head and inside the circle make sure the background is solid black We need to simplify some of the lines. Right now on the left (big) eye there is a lot of sketching lines and around the forehead. Please clean this up so they are more pronounced. Also include the right eye and chin as well. Not to obtruding, please try to include some of the zombie rot Lastly, the small circle. i wanted to see if you have other suggestion of the white small circle in the left eye. it seems to perfect but when you make these other changes it may be fine.
Need to Center the head within the circle Left jaw you have a line, make that like a small junk of his jaw by blacking it. like the top of the head There is an upside down (V) thin line that goes through the forehead Z an is above the left eye. Remove that line as it takes away from the Z. And the darker line to the left of the Z. This should clean up the forehead so you can see the carvings.
Serif Font works. nice and clean.
I need you to work on the mouth. Still not there. Look at the frightmall dog. Do you see the smirk. Check out he examples below. Not sure this is possible but we like the right side to raise high. Right now your smirk is even on both side. Going for a real sinister smile using the muscles on only the right side of the face.
After we can narrow this down, we will finalize the versions into the following.
1. Black and White 2. Color 3. Head and Pistons alone with no gear or words (black and white and color) 4. I will need to have you take the final detailed approved version and we will simplifiy some of the lines so we can make a stitched patch.
Remove the small line above right eye that goes into the C. This forehead line is not needed. Remove small line under right eye that goes from the eye to the cheek bone. You did this on #81 and it looks great because the blood is clean from the eye.
Option variations we would like to see:
In #73 you have a thin line that goes between the letter and the gear. can you add this line in white to give dimension to the gear. In black and white it should look better and then once we do color we can Make it more like #73
Also we would like to see the left eye slightly small than current state but same look. (keep it bigger than the right) our thoughts is it is just slightly to big.
#83 is going to be the winner. WE extended the time to finalize the logo with you as we are almost there. Please add in the above comments so we can finalize the logo lines.
Once complete - we then would like you:
Provide A) Complete Logo, B) Just the head and C) Head and Pistons
Lastly, we are research a Red, Green and Yellow colors to add in accordingly.
Thanks much and we appreciate your patience. We will end the tournament as soon as this is complete and promptly approve. email Scott at frightmall.com
Thank you so much, please check #86 for clean version, #87 for smaller left eye, and #88 for white line on gear. i will send you the other as fast as i can (not more than 1 hours).
Lets Lock down #88 for B/W Detailed Version. We will need to apply color to this one. or #89 may be the one used for color in the gear is highlighted as the black background for the head seems to work. Will not know until color is applied.
Can you take ##88 and make a real simple line version that we can use specifically to create a stitch patch? This would mean: Remove all detail lines around eyes (wrinkles), ear and pistons. Since Stitch work cannot pick up the detail we can only use major lines. (Black and White / Color Version)
Color Options to give some guidance:
CCFF33 - Yellow - Eyes CC9900 - Dark Yellow - Eyes 629900 - Green CCff33 - Green 666600 - Green 990000 - Red 999999 - Gray - Piston 663300 - Brown if needed
Perfect #98, #99 and #100 just put on a white background. I forgot to ask you to put #94 and #98 on a black background as this will be how we place it on a shirt. Not sure how we can separate the logo from the black background ill leave it up to you to figure out.
One last out of the box request as you are rockn this design. I spoke to the team and we are going to attempt to make a stencil to airbrush a tattoo on the body. use #97 and #90. Basically i am thinking like a silhouette it needs to be cut out of thin plastic so we can make a template for an airbrush. may not work but figured i would put you up for the challenge. We will connect for future stuff... Nice Job! Let me know
Thank you so much, please check #105 #106 #107 #108 and #109. a t shirt? can i have one? :D for a stencil tattoo, i said YES for that challenge after we finish all the things in logotournament :)
perfect updates on Black background. As of right now all version colors and lines are perfect. I did make one mistake. I wanted to know if you could expand the gear slightly just to provide a little more space between words (zombie motorcycle club) Just ever so slightly. If you can send one image as the update, if that works we can apply this adjustment to all finals.
Take a shot on the stencil once we complete these. and we will figure out something to send to you :)
Na. I am looking for more space between each word. zombi(e) (M)otorcycl(e) (C)lub so if need need to make the entire outer gear a little large to fit thats fine
Done, Please choose that as the winning entry, and i will send all of your files (B/W and all variations) to your personal email after we finished all the things in logotournament (designers can only give you one final files here).
Really sorry to have to do this but i need you to create a sample logo with the font color the same as the piston vs currently the green. I spoke to a few friends who are loving this logo and they said the balance will be better displayed with the pistons and the name you will b easier to read. Please send over an update for approval