Could you please use the line in #96 into #66 between the symbol and the letters. then try the letters like in #91. And can you try letters that are a little thinner. thanks
Hi, thanks for being patient with us! Please make the font in #94 thinner and move the droplet to the left, the top and the right side as it is in #66. Could you try a few examples of the droplet with not so much green and add more royal blue and purple. People commented that we could be a nature company or Eco company.
I've uploaded #125 and #126 as I wasnt sure where exactly to put the drop. I changed the colors so its more blue/purple, and made the lettering thinner :)
#125, can you make the drop even more dark blue, purple, teal? Yes, I think the drop needs to stay in the front of Zim. Is BIOSCIENCES in #125 the same as in #91? color and font thickness? We like #91 but I don't know if it is optical illusion on my computer.
#127 and #128 have darker blues/purples/teals and the biosciences was a slightly modified version of #91 but these have been replaced with the original biosciences :)
Good evening, #129, Please change the zim font to that of #94 and the Biosciences to a darker grey but not bold. Also make the droplet as tall as the Z. Keep the very top dot that green and blend the next larger dot a bit.
So Sorry, forget the dark blue, getting too many colors! Use the bright green from the top dot into the biosciences if you think that will make it pop.
Is 131 biosciences the same green in the dots? Could you please bold the biosciences for 131? Is it the color optical illusion that it looks not as crisp as the color in biosciences 135? is the purple bioscience 135 adding a new color?
#131 is the same green, theyre both Pantone 369C. I've uploaded in two thicker weights respectively. The problem with colors is they generally appear lighter, the thinner a fonts weight is.
its the same color as the dot at the bottom, just off center to the left a little. #141 has the same color as the largest dot in the drop, and #142 has the same color as the largest purple dot.