I like the 3D look of #5. The Z emblem is unique and cool, but kind of overpowers the name - "Zendavor" should be more significant, with a different type face with more pizzazz. The "Signs & Graphics" needs to be a little more legible - maybe 50% larger. Great first start!
Cool ideas. I like the type and bold "Z" logo on #16. I like the arrow coming out the top of the Z better. I like the oval swoosh on #18. The eye graphic on #19 is cool, but I prefer the other Z graphic. I would also like to see all or most of the logo fit inside the swoosh or oval. Thanks!
On #16, try taking the "Z" symbol, put it to the left of the wording. Then have the symbol & the lettering in an oval shape, similar to #54 but more abstract. What I mean is so the oval isn't so defined, more subtle edges. Just removing the white highlighting might do it. I do want the "Z" symbold and the Z in Zendavor. I think people will read it as "ENDAVOR" otherwise. Thanks!
Awesome! #88 is really close. Thank you for all the versions. I would like the "Signs and Graphics" to go under "Zendavor", and be in white or a light grey (#88). I like the cleaner lines of the oval in #88. Try making the oval swoosh a little thicker, similar to #75 (but using the colors, angle, etc from #88). Also, make the lettering a little bit taller - about 20%. Thanks!