#80 - i like this on the best over #83 & #79. I like the skyline at the top. However, can you change the person / plant at the bottom and/or incorporate a defining "Z" at the bottom. We may use this as a branding tool as well on packaging, presentations and vehicle wrapping.
Please remove the extra white band around the exterior circle.
I like the size of "FRESH URBAN EATS", but could you show the lettering as "Fresh Urban Eats" in the same font and size?
Can you show black as an element with the logo? And make the burnt orange a little more gold in color.
We like the look of #147 the best, but would like to see a solid black background with an emphasis on the character "Z" runner over a leaf. We do not want to do the buildings now and will use the character in other capacities now. By itself and within the logo. so simplicity is what we are going after now.
We also want to see some variations of gold like in #146, but brighter than #146.
We do not want the sun burst like in #147. The shine will not work on several applications, so #146 is good, but it needs to be brighter like #147, but a consistent gold throughout.
Additionally, my team likes your design the best. We just want to tweak the logo now.
revisions from entries #146 and #147 : #155 brighter gold. #157 brighter gold, on blackbackground. #158 brighter gold, on blackbackground, white border on the outside circle.
I am closing out the contest and #155 is the winner. Thank you and Great Job!! You captured the essence of Zealthy on several levels: colors, feel, fun, active, urban, driven, etc.
My head of Communications and Marketing needs the files as follows: "I forgot to mention in my last email. We'll need vector eps and layered photoshop files from the artist. Thanks! Scott" Can you provide the files in this format he is requesting and also as jpegs in small, medium, large and extra large formats to work from as we have several applications to use the logo on.
I also several of the other designs in #157, #160, #154, #163, #154, #162, #165 as well. Can you send these to use as they are a spin-off that came from the winner #155. I really like the job you did on these! You are very talented and I appreciate your time and hard work!
I will be closing this out and ranking the final 10 as requested by the logo tournament in the next few minutes.