Max: I like #25 and #26. Not so much 27. Here's what would make them bette rthough: the "z" image somehow connecting more with what we do: sommunity, testing, scoring high, ant-puiblisher test pre. I wish I knew how to direct you beyond that, but I'm not as creative as you! Can you experiment with some other ideas? Also, maybe try putting a "!" after Zamgood. ThankS!!
Thanks Max. Not sure if I like grey or orange yet. Can you also try making the "z" bigger than the rest? Lastly, can you experiment with making the "m" and "g" maybe stick together as in the other logo in the top 4? sorry to ask so much, but you really are a contender for #1 and I'm just trying to fine tune.
Max: Almost there! Take a look at #132. CAn you experiment with making these circles callouts? Just in a really subtle way and then apply to 105. If you win and I need just a little more tweaking of colors etc., will you be ok with that?
Max: One more request for #105. Can you experiment with putting the dot under the check to make it sort of a check and "!" at the same time? So, just reverse the two. thanks!
Mark: Gonna pick you as winner. I'd like a combo of 105,145, 168 and want my staff to review. So, indeed if you can make a few changes after the contest that'd be great. You're a great designer and it looks like you do well here! I appreciate you entering my contest!
Max: Can you change "community" in 167 to purple? Also, I might use the purple circle with the separate check mark as it's own image throughout the site. CAn you separate this out for us and send us the .pst.