Nong, Fairly certain you will be the winner of the contest. Coud we see 2 or 3 more versions of what you have done thus far perhaps utilizing some alternative color variations. Please also take a look at the "tree" as it appears on the Sanctuary website. May eed to tweak the shape of the tree to conform to the logo.
We're getting close. You will be declared our winner. Please give us a couple more versions of #12 and #14 using the tree in 78-82 and the colors used in 78 and 80.
We are about to decalre you and logo #84 the winner.
Question: Once we declare a winner we'll receive the logo file. But we then still need to show it to our committee for final approval. The other 2 options we liked were #'s 12 & 83. Will it be possible for us to obtain files for those logos as well?
Many thanks. It's been a pleasure working with you.