#23 please make the graphics fit so the circle and the lines result in pentagonal patterns. The ball looks too much like a ping-pong ball, not a soccer ball. Please aslo present one where the colors Should not the colors also include black and brown. Thanks
Hi, did you see my last request? Can you make the soccer ball bigger so the "people" graphics fit inside the ball? Also some color variations including black and brown please. Thanks
#23 and #78 please have it so that the ball is flush with the graphic figures, no "heads" poking out. Please make sure the panels are pentagons if possible. Thanks
Please also do an update to make it look more like a soccer ball as it doesn't exactly read like a soccer ball. Recent submissions for this contest have more realistic looking soccer balls with each "pentagonal" cell shaded so that even though the ball is almost all white, you can read that there are individula stitched panels and it would be interesting to see that type of image with your "running men" on it. Hope I'm making sense. Thanks, you're doing a great job on these.
#108, please have thetext to the side of ball which might make it look like the ball is moving... maybe provide a few options with the text on either side. Thanks
Hi, #107 is the winner, but I was wondering if you could possible supply us with a few other font options before we end the contest. Or is it too late? Thanks
Hi, Thank you for picking my entry as winner, final files has been uploaded for your approval. Please give me your email so that I can send you more font options in a complete high resolution JPEGs and VECTORs. Again, Thank you very much!
Hi Manny, my email address is leslie@L1star.com We would like to purchase #139 as well. What do you charge for 2 logos? Finally, please send me another revision of #107 with the upper hemisphere text "Yours in Soccer Foundation", while the lower hemisphere is "www.yoursinsoccer.org". You would use the pentagon dots to separate the 2. Thank you.
Hi, just let you know that I've sent you an options to your email ad. Please let me know if you've received the file, also let me know if any problem may occur. Kindly approve the latest file that I uploaded here. Thank you very much!