#14 May consider an entry that incorporates the Seagal from Chatham Bars Inn's logo in lieu of the blue swoosh. Also try one without incliuding Chatham Bars inn as paart of the logo. possibly put cape cod in the center (orange) and put an american treasure at the bottom
lets go back to #14 starting to like this. can we look at several new concepts here. possibly add the seagul in one example. the other would be to possibly replace the swoosh with the seagul and remove the vertical bars?? thanks
can you create a few more options for us to look at with the following changes: #20-eliminate "An American Treasurer" and show a slighthly smaller amount of water. #9-Eliminate "an American Treaurer" and #37-Elininate "An American Treasurer" Thanks
we are zeroing in on design number #69... can you create several new logos with a few tweeks? try one with a solid orange sun (no bursts) and smaller bars. they feel alittle overpowering.. also, i want to select a winner today, but will not email or internet access until February 12th. is there any way I could select today and then still make changes when I get back on the 12th because in not 100% ready to finalize?
BTW, u can select a winner today and the winning designer will help u for the revisions u want as the rules of Logo Tournament after u've finished the contest:)
i will pick the designer today, but will need to have several other committes members feedback the week of the 12th and the ability to make some changes before we make the logo design final