Hi Tonie, Thank you for your ideas! We especially like your #61, #52 designs. Can you please develop different color design of these?
Also, could you please try to develop design based on "Connect" concept as I wrote in the general comment field? It would be great if you could develop the "connect" options by leveraging your awesome creativity on this.
Hi Tonie We are impressed by your #142 design. One request is, could you please develop following options 1) a balloon shape and "u" and "h" is not connected. Current design shows part of "u", 'h" is connecting the balloon so want you to create version with cutting off that. 2) a balloon shape goes to back ground.
We like #175 design. Request is can you develop 1) design with two Color with this shape maybe dark blue or green with grey. 2) design with two color by modifying background balloon size (maybe more wide or something
Hi Tonie First of all, thank you so much for giving us the great design. We really like #270 and we are close to choose your design as No.1. Could you please develop following ideas in order to decide you are the winner?
*We like this shape so no need to change this shape *We believe Main color should be Green or Blue or Orange. Blue would be Dark Blue (you proposed) or a bit light one like Facebook Color(Like #233)
1. Could you please develop Color Variation - Letter is main color and balloon is grey -Letter is Grey and baloon is main color( Green or Blue) - Back ground is Main color and Logo is White or Grey or combination of that
Appreciate your idea on this! Thank you! If you have any questions, please let me know.