Thank you for the feedback. I'm glad you like my idea. So do you want to change the font for "YOR" but keep it in capitals? And the "beauty" keep it as it is or change the style for this one too?
Can I please have the colours swapped around? light blue on top then into the green. Yes change font for YOR and Beauty. I like how the "R" flows into the logo though that's really cool. Looking good thank you.
Hi #82 Im liking can the Beauty come a little to the left so that it's more aligned like your #76? and can I see the Beauty in running writing? similar to Beauty in #76 does that make sense? you are being very patient with me, thank you.
There's no problem you want changes, in fact, I think that it helps us get the best design for you. So here you have the changes you requested #115 and #116. Let me know what you think.